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Archives for Teens


Back to School Shopping for the College Freshman

by Sam P. August 26th, 2024| Seasonal, Teens

Going into your freshman year of college can be stressful; trust me I know, I'm going through it, too.  The first thing on your mind at all times is cost efficiency. "Will I be able to afford


Do’s and Don’ts for Getting Teens to Listen

by Jane Wangersky July 22nd, 2024| Behavior, Teens

While thinking about this article, I wondered if I really knew anything about getting teens to listen. It's never easy, and even when you manage to do it you're usually not sure you've succeeded -- at least


Teens and Praise

by Sam P. June 17th, 2024| Communication, Teens

As a teen, we often feel that our achievements are overshadowed by our mistakes. All we ever hear are critiques, never praise for our success.  Praise is an important part of the growth process for teens to gain self confidence in

martial arts

Entertaining Fitness for Teens

by Jane Wangersky May 13th, 2024| Entertainment, Teens

Teens -- and adults -- first thoughts on fitness and entertainment may be that the two are mutually exclusive. Unless, maybe, you listen to music while running . . . no, wait, that's not safe. But there are plenty of things

family dinner

Teen’s Perspective on Family Dinners

by Sam P. April 8th, 2024| Seasonal, Teens

I have always considered family dinners a sort of magical thing. It gives the appearance of being the perfect family and has this wonderful feeling when you're there. Something about crowding around the table and asking for people to "pass the

welcome back to school

What Teens Aren’t Learning, What Parents Can Do

by Jane Wangersky March 4th, 2024| School, Teens

In 2012, a Gallup Poll found that "for too many American students, high school is a time of disengagement that fails to put them on a path to college and career success." In numerical terms, while nearly 80% of elementary students

teen schedule

Teen’s Perspective on Schedules

by Sam P. January 29th, 2024| Seasonal, Teens

Schedules are everything. They are so important in my life and many of my friends' lives, simply because they keep us organized. My friends and I all keep fairly busy schedules, so having a way to lay out our day and

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Teen’s Perspective: Making it Through the Holidays

by Sam P. December 25th, 2023| Seasonal, Teens

For as much as I love Christmas, I understand it can be very stressful. All those family visits are fun and lovable at first, but can get a tad annoying very quickly. Having gone through it for the past seventeen


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Work as a Team

by YPI Editors November 20th, 2023| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

It's the day of parent-teacher conferences. You arrive a few minutes early and are waiting in the hallway for your turn. You enter the room calm and ready to chat. (If you didn't do both of these things, be sure to

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Talking to Your Teen at Dinner

by Jane Wangersky October 16th, 2023| Communication, Teens
Getting teens to talk is hard, getting a contemporary family together for a sit-down dinner is hard, so why attempt to do both at the same time? Because a few simple (not easy) things you can do will help make it a time for the family to reconnect with
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Teen’s Perspective on Back to School Behavior

by Sam P. September 11th, 2023| School, Teens
School is here, but no one wants to go.  It seems to be this way every year.  Of course, I am eager to go back; I start my senior year, but I am also dreading it.  The thought of being a senior is exhilarating, but also terrifying.  I feel
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Teen’s Perspective on Team Sports

by Sam P. August 8th, 2023| Teen Perspective, Teens
Team sports are so important, especially in middle school and high school.  It allows your child to become more social and learn how to work together with people.  Team sports also teach your child how to take the blame when something is their fault, but also to learn that
