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Archives for Preschool

preschooler summer

The Hazard of Heat This Summer

by Tania Cowling July 1st, 2024| Preschool, Safety

The sun is shining, the temperature is soaring, and you are sweating. This sounds like you have to be indoors in the AC, but not really. With a little common sense and forethought you can be outdoors enjoying your summer and

airport schedule

Flying Can Be a Lesson on Vacation Travel

by Tania Cowling May 27th, 2024| Preschool, Seasonal

If you're planning a vacation by air, it's fun for preschoolers to get up close and personal with airplanes before the trip. Visiting an airport in advance or some home activities that present planes as a theme can do this.


Protect Your Child From Zoonotic Diseases

by Tania Cowling April 22nd, 2024| Preschool, Safety

Did you know that your pet might cause your child to get sick? Are you aware of zoonotic diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans? These maladies range from bacteria to viruses and internal and external

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3 Steps to Changing Your Preschooler’s Behavior

by Joe Lawrence March 18th, 2024| Behavior, Preschool

When it comes to our preschoolers, there are so many things to discover. They are mingling with like-minded children and really becoming who they will be in terms of behavior. That is why it is so


4 Ways to Help Kids Reach Activity Milestones

by Marnie Bii February 12th, 2024| Development, Preschool

During the preschool years, the timing of hitting movement milestones tends to spread out across the peer group. Some preschoolers may exhibit a strong ability to run, climb and jump, while others are a bit clumsier. Most kids' abilities tend to

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Preschoolers Should Enjoy Learning

by Joe Lawrence January 8th, 2024| Preschool, School

Getting your preschooler ready for school is not as hard as you may think. Just by doing some simple things at home you can get your little one all ready for school and give them a leg up on the others.

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Soothing Separation Anxiety in Preschoolers

by Marnie Bii December 4th, 2023| Behavior, Preschool

Although separation anxiety hits in full force at 18 months to 2 years of age, those frustrating feelings commonly resurface as preschoolers get ready to enter school. The newfound independence of attending preschool can make kids feel unsure, out of sorts


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Work as a Team

by YPI Editors November 20th, 2023| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

It's the day of parent-teacher conferences. You arrive a few minutes early and are waiting in the hallway for your turn. You enter the room calm and ready to chat. (If you didn't do both of these things, be sure to

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Develop a Child’s Values to Ensure Their Success

by Joe Lawrence October 30th, 2023| Behavior, Preschool
As parents we are constantly trying to discover what the next big thing is. We want our children to be set up for success and to become productive members of society. When it comes to this, our preschoolers and us can learn a lot from the military.

I have been
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4 Ways To Help Preschoolers Eat Food Safely

by Marnie Bii September 25th, 2023| Preschool, Safety
As kids reach their preschool years, they have the teeth and ability required to chew up their food into smaller pieces before swallowing. Kids also develop stronger tongue muscles for increased dexterity needed to push food into range of their teeth. As a result, you can start introducing foods
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3 Ways to Boost Preschoolers Conversation Skills

by Joe Lawrence August 22nd, 2023| Preschool, Social
Preschoolers are fun to watch as they learn and grow. They are constantly developing physically, mentally and socially. It is the social aspect that many parents struggle with, but keep reading for some advice on this.

We watch our children go from being the babbling blob of infant-hood to walking
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How to Protect Your Preschooler From the Sun

by Jessica B. July 18th, 2023| Preschool, Safety
In some ways it can be trickier to protect your preschooler from the sun than your little one, because they have a bit more independence. Here are a few tips to make sure your preschooler takes sun safety seriously so that you can all work together to make sure
