Your tween wants to be a teenager so very badly. It seems that the world of a teen is much more exciting- able to go to more places on their own, later bedtimes, driver's licenses, dating. Yes, it is an exciting
Your tween wants to be a teenager so very badly. It seems that the world of a teen is much more exciting- able to go to more places on their own, later bedtimes, driver's licenses, dating. Yes, it is an exciting
Earbuds. Headphones. They are everywhere. It's not just a tween problem. Take a walk down any city street, and you'll see a multitude of people walking with either one or both ears hosting an earbud. From shoppers to joggers to
I cannot stress this enough, the tween years can be hard. For everyone involved. Out of the pre-college parenting years, I think middle school is the hardest. The kids are trying to figure out where they fit, are dealing with hormonal
It can be difficult to get your tween to disconnect from technology and move to get some exercise. Most often, they'd rather play a video game, watch a movie, or chat with friends on social media. Having at least one activity observances...parties...pageants...and STRESS. The hype surrounding the holidays begins around November 1, and the frenzy doesn't end until after January 1. This makes for a LONG holiday season. Adults have experience dealing with the holiday blitz; however, children have a
It's the day of parent-teacher conferences. You arrive a few minutes early and are waiting in the hallway for your turn. You enter the room calm and ready to chat. (If you didn't do both of these things, be sure to