When I was a child and through my teen years, I would sometimes hear at the dinner table the old saying, "Children should be seen and not heard." (Now, I'm not of an age that it was a common way of
There are the friends we choose and the friends that are chosen for us. Sometimes relationships aren't quite so simple as we'd like. Middle school is a hornet's nest of new feelings, experiences, and social hierarchies. Jill may be friends
The tween years can be described in one word: awkward. Children this age grapple not only with their changing bodies, but they must cope with changing friendships as well. It's not as easy as asking someone on the elementary school playground to be your friend anymore. For tweens it's
Bringing a new pet into the home can be an amazing experience or an awful one, especially when tweens are involved. While pre-teens may express a desire for a cat or a dog, they simple do not understand the tremendous work that comes along with owning a pet. When
First of all, we need to start with a quick parenting update- your tween will not want to use the word playdate. Playdates are for little kids. However, don't let terminology confuse you. Your tween very much wants to hang with friends. She just doesn't want you to call it
Study after study tells parents that children spend too much time on electronic devices. Â The ramifications of doing so are many, including decreased social development. This summer, work with your tween to improve his or her social skills by moving away from the computer, and into the real world.
Twitter is one of the largest and most popular social media sites on the internet. It allows for quick and easy communication between friends but limits posts to 140 characters, so long dissertations are not a possibility. From the outside looking in, Twitter appears to be a safe enough site
Social media has often been deemed as the good, the bad, and the ugly. Like most everything, depending upon how it is used determines if it is a benefit or a detriment. If you are the parent of a tween-aged child, participating in social media activities is no doubt of
As your child enters the tween years, he is going to want to spend more time with friends. A lot of this will be spent hanging out at one of their houses- shooting baskets, playing PS4 games, or streaming tv shows. Those are the easy and inexpensive get-togethers. All you
The tween years, for boys and girls, tend to be filled with weekend sleepovers. At least in our house, they were. On a Friday or Saturday afternoon there was the rush of excitement- which friend to ask, which house to host, what movie to watch. Yes, these are the major
If you have a tween who owns a device that runs on the Android or iOS platform, they might have an Instagram account. However, Instagram, like all other social media platforms, has a policy of not allowing children under the age of 13 to use their app. That being said,
With so many social media platforms, and new ones popping up almost daily, how can we as parents be certain which ones are right for our children? Which ones offer the proper level of security and privacy, ensuring our kids internet safety? Which ones allow parents the best methods of