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Archives for Elementary


Dealing with Children’s Emotions

by Joe Lawrence August 12th, 2024| Communication, Elementary

Ever since becoming a parent I have learned so much. Some of it was from diligent study; however, most of it was on the fly. Dealing with emotional breakdowns is one those things I learned by winging it.


Beat the Heat With Water

by Tania Cowling July 8th, 2024| Elementary, Entertainment

Your kids can quench the sizzle of summer with water. So, whether you have a swimming pool, wading pool, or just the garden hose, your kids can spend hours of fun and beat the heat this season. These wet and wild


Learning Over the Summer

by Joe Lawrence June 3rd, 2024| Elementary, School

"No more pencils, no more books, no more teachers' dirty looks" were the Alice Cooper lyrics I sang as I crossed the threshold from my classroom to the freedom that awaited. Then summer was time for us to dump all that

board game

Bring Out the Board Games Instead of TV

by Tania Cowling April 29th, 2024| Elementary, Seasonal

Each year a national initiative aims to make turning off the television a rewarding experience. It's a time to help families reconnect and children rediscover the simple joys of activities other than digital entertainment. Screen-free week varies from April to May.

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How to Foster Effective Communication in Children

by Lori Sciame March 25th, 2024| Communication, Elementary

Every person has strengths and weaknesses. For example, some people are born communicators, while others struggle to connect with their peers. As a parent, you must assist your child with becoming an effective communicator, even if he or she can be


4 Truths to Communicating with Our Children

by Joe Lawrence February 19th, 2024| Communication, Elementary

Communication is the most important part of any relationship. When we communicate well, things run smoothly. When we do not, there is much frustration. Most people would agree with this; however, most of us (me included) are very intentional with making

school bus

How to Schedule; It’s Elementary

by Michele January 15th, 2024| Elementary, Seasonal

Your child has entered elementary school, and a good portion of her day is consumed by school. This might make scheduling easier than the preschool days that filled only a few hours a couple days a week, or so you thought.

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Say Thank You, Dear

by Gary Hays December 11th, 2023| Communication, Elementary

Especially with the holidays upon us, this is the perfect time to reiterate to your child, the value and importance of proper communication. This is a time of family, and if yours is akin to the typical one, you will


Parent-Teacher Conferences: Work as a Team

by YPI Editors November 20th, 2023| Elementary, Preschool, School, School, School, School, Teens, Tweens

It's the day of parent-teacher conferences. You arrive a few minutes early and are waiting in the hallway for your turn. You enter the room calm and ready to chat. (If you didn't do both of these things, be sure to

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I Am Not to Be an Entertainer to My Children

by Joe Lawrence November 6th, 2023| Elementary, Entertainment
How are we going to keep the kids entertained while we <insert scenario here> is a question we tend to ask ourselves often. I wonder if our parents cared as much about how to entertain us as we do today. In hindsight, I would say they did not.

It never

Showing Encouragement During the Elementary Years

by YPI Editors October 2nd, 2023| Communication, Elementary
We all know that receiving praise is important. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy. As parents, it is important that our children know that we are pleased with them when they do well. However, like many other things, we also want to make sure that we don't go
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Build Elementary Communication Skills

by Joe Lawrence August 28th, 2023| Communication, Elementary
Communication is the biggest problem in any organization. Elementary-aged children and parents are no exception to this. With some simple guidelines, you can eliminate most communication barriers.

Ask any CEO or General and they will tell the importance of communication and the dangers of barriers to communication. In our workplaces
