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Archives for kids

Parenting Through Illness

by Ronald A. Rowe February 1st, 2012| Elementary
Plenty has been written about the medicinal aspects of parenting your child through an illness.  All of it boils down to: keep them hydrated and see a doctor if it doesn't get better soon.  Less has been written about the more mundane aspects of parenting your child through an

Reinforcing Preschool Lessons

by T Akery January 27th, 2012| Preschool
Your child's preschool teaches colors, numbers and letters. But the time they spend teaching your child these important school-ready concepts is much shorter than most parents think. This is because there are also other lessons that your preschool has to incorporate  that take up valuable time, such as arranging

Feisty Child/Independent Teen

by Lori Sciame January 26th, 2012| Elementary
One word could describe my youngest daughter while in elementary school -- feisty. She had her own ideas about everything, from what types of clothes she would wear to how much homework she thought she needed to do. At the time, I found this personality trait of to be


by Ronald A. Rowe January 20th, 2012| Elementary, Tweens
I took my son to WinterJam this weekend to celebrate his 11th birthday. I'd highly recommend it if you have the opportunity to take your children to this show when it comes to your town. WinterJam is a concert tour featuring ten Christian bands.

We went because this year's headliner

Your Shy Toddler

by Lori Sciame January 18th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Who doesn't love the precocious toddler? You know, the child that talks easily to the checkout person at the local store, excited about the new toy she has clutched in her hands? Or the child who bubbles over with laughter and smiles on cue at portrait taking time, often

Fisher Price Dora Fiesta Favorites Kitchen

by T Akery January 16th, 2012| Product reviews
For kids who love Dora, the Dora Fiesta Favorites Kitchen from Fisher Price is really the only kitchen they need. This kitchen is all about Dora and speaks both English and rudimentary Spanish. Most 2- to 3-year-olds will get a kick out of cooking food with Dora.

The kitchen is

Talking to Your Toddler About Lying

by T Akery January 12th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
This is one of the big issues that you face as a parent of a toddler. No matter how good you think your toddler is about telling the truth, at some point, they will come up with a lie. Whether their motive is to stay out of trouble or

Healthy Weight Week

by Lori Sciame January 11th, 2012| Preschool
Perfect timing. Right after the holidays, and during the dead of winter, health officials plan to celebrate Healthy Weight Week. It's a health observance that's pretty much self-explanatory, right? And it's a great time for parents take the time to think about their children's weight, and whether they can

Travelling With Children

by Ronald A. Rowe January 6th, 2012| Elementary
Long car trips with kids can be a challenge. It's been that way for generations. But as technology has evolved, things have gotten quite a bit easier. Hand-held video games, dual screen back seat DVD players, MP3 players - we've got a whole lot of weapons in our arsenal

Color Me Playhouse

by T Akery January 4th, 2012| Product reviews
The Color Me Playhouse combines the idea of playing in a cardboard box with a child's love of coloring. Basically, it is a big cardboard box with a house design on the outside that kids can color and play in depending on their whim.

The Playhouse comes in a flat

Making New Year’s Memories

by Lori Sciame December 30th, 2011| Elementary
Children love family rituals. This is especially true of New Year's Eve. My best memories of this exciting time involve watching Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve with my favorite cousin.  We also played board games such as Monopoly or Life, and the night usually included a rousing card

Fundraising for Your Preschool

by T Akery December 29th, 2011| Preschool
At various times of the year, your Preschool is going to have fundraisers. In a way, this is preparing you for your child's future school life. Fundraisers are one of the never ending requests that all schools make. Unfortunately for parents, fundraising at this age is completely your responsibility.

