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Archives for kids

Dealing with After-Christmas Chaos

by T Akery December 28th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
The after-Christmas chaos is a rough time for toddlers. The main reason is that toddlers are simply overwhelmed. Christmas brought in a plethora of wrapped toys, candy, and cookies. All the excitement combined with sugar can overload them on that day. Unfortunately, the aftermath of Christmas day is simply

Homework: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. December 26th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
I don't want to toot my own horn here, but I am a good student.  So far, halfway into my sophomore year I have all A's and one B+.  I also maintain a 4.14 GPA, which is in between an A and an A+ at my high school.  I

Public Speaking

by Ronald A. Rowe December 23rd, 2011| Elementary, Helpful Hints
Sometimes, you try everything you can think of to inspire or educate your child and it still doesn't work.  But sometimes -- not so often, but sometimes -- you stumble on something by accident that really gets the job done.

My ten-year-old son is a fearless public speaker.  He'll get

Terrific Gifts for Toddlers

by Lori Sciame December 22nd, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
The holiday season always seems more magical when you have a little one to share it with. Nothing beats the awe in a child's eyes the first time they see the glowing lights on the Christmas tree, or when they realize that colorful presents placed before them contain toys

Teen Perspective: Celebrating Culture/Traditions

by Louise December 21st, 2011| Teen Perspective
If your family has some tradition other than the typical "American" ones, cherish them. Don't get me wrong, I love all of the American holidays and the aspects that go with them, but there's something about having a special holiday that no one else celebrates (in close proximity) that

The Nook

by T Akery December 19th, 2011| Product reviews
The Nook is a handheld book reader device that offers a lot of different features. Since this site is about kids, this review is for the applications that kids would find interesting. However, it is not something that your kids should play with unsupervised unless they are mature and

Don’t Squash Exploration

by Lori Sciame December 15th, 2011| Elementary
"Watch out!" "Be careful." "Don't run!"

These directions can literally be lifesavers for elementary age children. For instance, a visit to the Grand Canyon would make any parent extra vigilant where his or her child is concerned. Too close to the edge and the consequences would be devastating. Yet, some

Toddlers and Candy

by T Akery December 12th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
The candy season gets its official kickoff at Halloween. From there, it is a never-ending deluge until after Easter. Then it slows down momentarily only to spike again on summer birthdays. Then the whole cycle starts all over again. Toddlers want as much of it as they can get

Santa Can’t Deliver Flying Ponies!

by Lori Sciame December 8th, 2011| Preschool
Great expectations. That's what preschoolers have when it comes to gifts from Santa. Take my oldest son, for example. One Christmas he asked Santa for the Taj Mahal. You know, the colossal building located in India? As you can imagine, Santa did his best to fulfill a young child's

Homestyle Kitchen

by T Akery December 7th, 2011| Product reviews
The Homestyle Kitchen may seem like one of the must have Christmas gifts for toddlers. It is a kitchen that they can play in. But, its flat packing and picture design don't exactly prepare you for what is hidden in the box. If you are planning on getting this

Volunteering at Your Child’s Preschool

by T Akery November 30th, 2011| Preschool
Preschools love their parent volunteers. They help teachers supervise field trips, help with parties, and help with the smaller tasks that teachers need to do but can't get to without outside help. Volunteering at your preschool has a few advantages for parents too.

Before you show up at your child's

Size: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. November 28th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
At one time or another, every kid has wondered how big they will  be as adults.  I wonder how large I will be, and I'm fifteen.  It's natural for kids to be interested in their size, but worry over size is a completely different matter. Kids mainly only worry
