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boy on playground

Worst Outfits for Preschoolers to Wear to School

by T Akery April 24th, 2013| Preschool
Your preschool probably has a dress code. But that doesn't prevent some really bad wardrobe choices. So, while the clothes may technically be within the rules of the code, these outfit choices should have you thinking twice. They are bad for a number of reasons and can present some
blue girl

Preschoolers’ Bad Days

by T Akery April 18th, 2013| Preschool
There are times when everyone has a bad day. Even preschoolers can have one. You usually don't know about it until you get the note sent home. However, some really, really bad days mean a call from the school. Handling this type of day is a normal part of

Helping Your Toddler with Brushing Their Teeth

by T Akery April 16th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
No matter when your toddler developed their teeth, taking care of those baby teeth is still important. As a toddler, they can help participate in oral care. While it isn't always a fun time and there will certainly be days of protest and tantrums, toddlers should start learning the
book family

Tweens Love the Library

by Lori Sciame April 15th, 2013| Tweens
This spring, plan to celebrate National Library Week, April 14 - 20, with your tween.  The theme this year is "Communities Matter @ Your Library." Because of this, librarians and support staff across the nation have developed a host of fun activities to draw in all ages of visitors

Overparenting and Socialization

by Ronald A. Rowe April 9th, 2013| Elementary
I attended an arts and crafts session this week with my first grader and couldn’t help but notice that the rampant overparenting of this generation continues unabated. My son put together the ugliest paper bag puppet in the history of paper bags. It was awful. But he did it.
zoo people

Taking Your Toddler to the Zoo

by T Akery April 3rd, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
The zoo is a great place for toddlers to explore. They'll get an up close look at all the animals, maybe get a chance to feed some of them, and will have a great time in the process. There are a few things that you need to do to
soccer camp

Begin Summer Fun Planning!

by Lori Sciame April 2nd, 2013| Elementary
This is the time of year to begin thinking about summer activities for elementary age children. Waiting until the last minute to decide which programs to sign a child up for will lead to one thing -- stress.  Take time now to begin sifting through the multiple options available,
watch children

The Parent’s Responsibility in Preschool Security

by T Akery March 29th, 2013| Preschool
While security is a checklist item when investigating a new preschool, the truth is that parents also play a role in ensuring their kid's safety. The parent's role is quite important and you should know what to do and what not to do when it comes to safety. Your
dad n kid

Post-Partum Dads

by Jane Wangersky March 28th, 2013| Pregnancy
New moms aren't the only parents whose bodies are going through transformations -- new dads can experience physical change, too, and not only due to lack of sleep. According to biologist Marlene Zuk, author of Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us About Sex, Diet, and How We
boy n gorilla

Preschool Spring Break Adventures

by T Akery March 27th, 2013| Preschool
Spring break is an interesting time for parents. It means a week off for your preschooler and a whole week to keep them entertained. This time of year the weather is warm, spring is in the air and the outdoors are calling energetic preschoolers. So if you can, take
two kids

Solution: Babysitter Wants to Bring Extra Child

by Playroom Supervisors March 22nd, 2013| Parenting Predicament
I have a babysitter who comes to the house and stays with my three-year-old son while I work. She’s asked if she can start bringing her two-year-old niece along with her. I don’t mind having another child with my son, but I kind of feel like I’d be paying
girl n harp

Do Hard Things

by Ronald A. Rowe March 21st, 2013| Elementary
It is a challenge that nearly all parents face. Your child signs up for an activity -- sports, music, arts -- and things start off swimmingly. You’re convinced that your child has a natural flair for their chosen endeavor and you encourage it to the best of your ability
