Your preschool probably has a dress code. But that doesn’t prevent some really bad wardrobe choices. So, while the clothes may technically be within the rules of the code, these outfit choices should have you thinking twice. They are bad for a number of reasons and can present some problems that you or the preschool teachers will have to deal with. If you avoid these type of clothes, you will ensure a better school day for both your preschooler and the teacher.
As cute as they maybe on your child, overalls are detrimental to young preschoolers who can’t handle them. Not only are those little tabs impossible for little hands to manipulate, adults can struggle with getting them undone in time to prevent an accident. You have to remember that Preschoolers have a very short time limit between when they recognize they have to go to the bathroom and when they really need to go. If it takes more than a minute to undo the tabs, disaster is pending. At two minutes, it starts getting dicey. At three minutes, your Preschool teacher will likely be pulling out the change of clothing. You will be hitting the washing machine the instant you get home. Save your preschooler the embarrassment by saving overalls only for pictures.
One Piece Outfits
The trouble with one piece short and pants outfits is that kids have to literally remove everything in order to go potty. This is tougher if they are skin-tight pieces with material that likes to get stuck. They simply take too long for your preschooler to remove. Sometimes, it isn’t easy for your preschooler to remember how to remove their outfit. The end result is the same with overalls, a change of clothing and a load of laundry. Yes, they are cute but again not practical for preschoolers.
Multiple Closures
Lots of buttons, snaps, and zippers are a disaster waiting to happen. Even if they can be gotten out of in time, putting them back together can become a problem. More often than not a few closures can be missed. This can lead to a potentially embarrassing situation for your preschooler. Even if they know how to close them at home, don’t count on perfection in the limited time they have at preschool. There are plenty of opportunities for mishaps if there is more than one thing to close.
Stiff Closures
Along with multiple closures, stiff buttons or hard zippers are a problem for preschoolers. If you have to exert a considerable amount of force to get it closed, then your preschooler is in trouble doing it on their own. They simply don’t have the strength to get it closed. Some preschoolers will just run around with the button undone which can lead to clothes inadvertently slipping during playtime. Even if they get help, the closure can still cause issues.
These are some of the worst choices for preschoolers. You want them to be able to handle their clothing themselves.