The zoo is a great place for toddlers to explore. They’ll get an up close look at all the animals, maybe get a chance to feed some of them, and will have a great time in the process. There are a few things that you need to do to get prepared for a trip to the zoo, especially with summer right around the corner.
Strollers are an absolute necessity for the zoo. At that age, little legs get tired very easily. This gives them a seat in which they can chill out if they get too tired, or a place in which to take a quick nap. Cup holders and extra compartments keep you from having to carry all the extras that come with toddlers. So, if you are tasked with carrying them at some point in the day, you won’t become overloaded trying to haul everything at once. The handy screen will keep the sun exposure to a minimum.
Even in zoos that have a lot of natural shade, your toddler needs to wear sunscreen. The sun will somehow find your toddler’s skin and turn it a nice shade of red even in the shaded areas. There are going to be points during the day in which your toddler will be in direct sunlight. So, put it on even if you only intend spending a few hours.
Extra water/Snacks
If your zoo allows, you certainly should take water and snacks. Not only will this save you money, it will save you from hearing them complain about being hungry or thirsty while you are waiting in line for a train ride. Plus, you don’t have to spend valuable time in the food court at lunch.
Extra Activity Tickets
Most zoos have special things that they offer either as a package deal or at an extra cost. You do want to make arrangements to buy these tickets ahead of time so you aren’t stuck in line waiting with a bored toddler. You might also inquire about the best time to visit certain exhibits to minimize your wait time. The key thing is to make sure that they are compatible with your toddler. Some special exhibits you may want to skip because of your toddler’s lack of interest in them.
Extra Clothes
Pack an extra set of clothes in case of an accident or for when your zoo has a special place for toddlers to play in. You will be glad you have them afterward. Make sure to include a towel as well.
Your toddler will love the zoo. These are just a few suggestions of the things that will make the trip to the zoo a little easier on you. Finally, make sure that you also pack the camera.