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Tweens Need to be Social

by Lori Sciame June 12th, 2013| Tweens
Tweens will now have plenty of time on their hands since school has ended for the year. How to fill the countless hours that they will be spending at home? That's a question on many parents' minds. If both parents work, then it is even trickier to figure out

Elementary: Learning Styles

by Ronald A. Rowe June 5th, 2013| Elementary
Researchers say that our learning style is hardwired into our DNA ... somehow.  No one knows for sure quite how it works but it appears that each of us is born with one of three  distinct learning styles -- Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic.  The styles are apparent from as

Solution: Walking the Cat

by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil May 31st, 2013| Parenting Predicament
This may sound silly, but — we have an indoor cat that I like to take outside sometimes on a leash. When I started this, I didn’t know I’d be the only one who ever took her outside. But my oldest says he feels silly with a cat on
car wash kid

Three Important Safety Tips: Preschoolers

by Lori Sciame May 30th, 2013| Preschool
Recently I read a hilarious Facebook post concerning my two year-old God-daughter.  It seems as if her parents had spent an entire afternoon erecting a playhouse in the yard, only to have it come crashing down when they tried to move it to a better location.  Needless to say,
sleeping boy

When to Ditch the Nighttime Diapers

by T Akery May 28th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Your toddler has finally mastered the art of the potty during the day. At night, you still put the diapers on to prevent accidents. But the time is coming when they no longer need those diapers and your days of buying them are coming to an end. Here are
dad baby car

Tips to Prevent Forgetting Your Infant in the Car

by T Akery May 16th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
With summer rolling around, the news items about infant deaths in cars increase. Sadly, this really is a preventable tragedy. But parents get busy and distracted. They are rushing around getting things done. While parents would say that they would never leave their infant in the car, the inevitable
classroom door

Why a Tween May be Having School Trouble

by Lori Sciame May 13th, 2013| School, Tweens
The tween years can be filled with problems that may cause decreased performance at school.  From not getting enough sleep to being unsure about his or her sexuality, a tween may begin to let his or her grades dip. This post explores several of the reasons why a tween

Elementary Playtime

by Ronald A. Rowe May 10th, 2013| Elementary
Elementary school children can bring home all sorts of things from school. Sometimes it is something good - an A, a hand made Mother’s Day card, or a diorama depicting Washington crossing the Delaware. Other things that the kids bring home from school, like viruses or new and unsavory
mom kid n bike

Childhood Safety Issues

by Lori Sciame May 2nd, 2013| Preschool
Children of preschool age have a sense of wonder about the world.  They enjoy learning about their surroundings, as well as the people who fill their lives.  All parents and guardians of children this age should be extra safety conscious.  To protect a naturally curious child takes vigilance; one
child mouth

Toddler Speech

by T Akery May 1st, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers are making their journey into the verbal world. At some point in their development, they turn into continuous chatterboxes. Their chatter is sometimes very hard to understand. But it is the beginning of learning how to communicate with their voice, and the time when their vocabulary starts expanding.

Behavior: An Automatic Problem?

by Lori Sciame April 29th, 2013| Elementary
"I'd like to talk to you about your child's behavior."  Those words, when uttered by a elementary school principal, automatically elicit a negative reaction from a parent or guardian.  Why?  Is our society so ready to punish children for "acting up" that we don't look for behaviors that can
girls n bike

Tween Safety Introduction

by Ronald A. Rowe April 26th, 2013| Tweens
Welcome to the newest Your Parenting Info segment, Tween Safety. Here we will take a semi-weekly look at the important safety issues surrounding 10- to 12-year-olds as they emerge from their cocoon of parental protection and take their first fledgling steps toward adulthood.

In the weeks and months to come
