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Archives for children

The Fight Over School Clothes

by T Akery July 25th, 2011| Tweens
The fight over school clothes is one that lasts for quite some time. It is one of those fights that is seemingly unavoidable between parents and tweens. An all-out fight can be avoided if you and your tween come together when shopping for school clothes.

It is important for you

The Sing-A-Ma-Jigs Review

by T Akery July 20th, 2011| Helpful Hints, Infants/Toddlers
The Sing-A-Ma-Jigs is a toy made by Fisher Price. With the reputation of the company, you expect a decent toy product and it really doesn't disappoint. Even though it is made for kids, secretly adults will find some amusement in playing with them.

They are a plush toy that look

When it Pays to be a Creeper

by Lori Sciame July 18th, 2011| Teens
Creeper. You may have heard your teen use this term in reference to Facebook, but do you know what it means? Basically, a creeper is someone who has a Facebook account, but they don't just use this form of media just to be social, they use it as a

Preparing Yourself and Your Toddler for Eating Out

by T Akery July 15th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
At some point, you and your toddler will face the prospect of eating somewhere that is not McDonald's. These sit down restaurants are a challenge for both toddlers and parents. Creating a peaceful eating experience for everyone means preparation, planning, and knowing how your toddler is going to react

Creating Successful Playdates for Your Preschooler

by T Akery July 14th, 2011| Helpful Hints, Preschool
Playdates with friends are a necessity for preschoolers. Not only do they help with key social skills, they keep your preschooler from becoming too bored this summer. They also allow you as a parent to communicate with another adult.Your preschooler will meet new friends during the school year and

Children Should Eat to Live

by Lori Sciame July 11th, 2011| Elementary
Mouth-watering fast food ads on TV beckon us into their establishments for the latest taste sensation. Soft drink manufacturers proclaim that their products quench a thirst better than water. Grocery stores tempt consumers with pre-packaged, calorie-laden foods by making them relatively cheap and easy to prepare.

This is just a

Nintendo 3DS Review

by T Akery July 8th, 2011| Product reviews
Nintendo 3DS has been out on the market since March. It certainly has garnered a lot of attention for its ability to produce a 3D effect. The questions are whether it is worth the $250.00 price tag and if it is still better to just to get the Nintendo

The Cost of Raising a Child

by Ronald A. Rowe July 7th, 2011| Elementary
The US Government - who you can trust implicitly, just ask them - has pegged the cost of raising a child from birth to age 18 at a whopping $286,860 (adjusted for inflation). For a two-child

Party Planner Primer

by Lori Sciame July 4th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
Parties. Lots of them!

If you just had your first baby, there are countless celebrations in his or her future, such as baptisms, naming ceremonies, and birthdays. Whatever religious and cultural traditions you follow, you will soon invite family and friends to your home to help celebrate your precious

Fall Prevention for Preschoolers

by Lori Sciame June 29th, 2011| Preschool
Preschoolers have a playful nature. They run, jump, and skip as they explore the world around them. Sometimes a parent of such a child wonders if his or her ball of energy will ever settle down! With all this movement comes a risk a parent may not have thought

Silly Bandz

by T Akery June 24th, 2011| Elementary, Product reviews
Silly Bandz are practically everywhere. They have been banned from some schools due to being a distraction. Their appeal for kids is in the bright colors and their ability to snap back into shape after they are worn. These little plastic bands are adorning kids' wrists.

Silly Bandz are not

Approaching The Big Kid Bed

by T Akery June 20th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers are naturally anxious at the thought of sleeping in the big kid bed. It will likely be all excitement until it is time to go to bed. That is when all the excitement dies and you are left with a very tired toddler who doesn't want to go
