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Archives for children

Fall Fun with Your Preschooler

by Lori Sciame October 3rd, 2011| Preschool
Fall offers lots of opportunities to bond with your preschooler while having both an enjoyable and educational adventure. From apple orchards, to local museums, there's plenty to do - just you two! Don't underestimate the value of one-on-one time with your child; he or she will appreciate having your

Prioritizing Elementary Activities

by Ronald A. Rowe September 30th, 2011| Elementary, Helpful Hints
Football. Chess club. Chorus. Band. Drama club. Piano lessons.

If you've got an elementary or junior high school student, you probably have a similar list of obligations. How do you prioritize among them? School work comes first. That one's easy. I think we can all agree that the extra-curricular activities

On Playing Games: Teen Perspective

by Louise September 29th, 2011| Teen Perspective
Playing games isn't just an activity for children; that's an important message to send to your kids. The best way to do this is to find a game that you genuinely enjoy and can play with your kids.

My dad loves to play bridge, but it is far too complicated

Four Things Your Child Needs

by Lori Sciame September 28th, 2011| Elementary
It goes without saying that a child needs love, and plenty of it; however, to develop into a well-adjusted adult, a child needs much more. Here are a few tips to help you raise not only a loving person, but one who is capable of tackling the world on

Oregon Scientific Barbie Junior Laptop

by T Akery September 26th, 2011| Elementary, Helpful Hints
The Oregon Scientific Barbie Junior Laptop is a toy that appeals mainly to girls. It is pink and purple and decked out with plastic jewelry on the case. It has a convenient handle and is designed to flip open like a laptop.

While it is geared toward three years of

Dealing with Toddler Allergies

by T Akery September 23rd, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
Dealing with allergies in toddlers is a very difficult task for parents. The thought that your child could react adversely to the things around them is very scary. You can only control so much of their environment. It is the things beyond your control that you worry most about.


Vtech Kidizoom Cameras

by T Akery September 16th, 2011| Helpful Hints, Product reviews
Vtech Kidizoom cameras are one of the more innovative toys out on the market. Since giving your child your cell phone to take pictures inevitably leads to certain disaster, this is the perfect way for your child to dabble in the world of photography and take things from their

What Kids Really Want

by Ronald A. Rowe September 15th, 2011| Elementary
There's an expression that goes around in parenting circles: Children don't care how much money you make, they only care if you're around -until they're teenagers. Then, they don't care if you're around, they only care about how much money you make. While I certainly hope the second part

Avoid Spoiling Your Toddler

by Lori Sciame September 14th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
Spoil. This word brings to mind negative connotations, including spoiled food in the refrigerator, and the rain that spoils an outdoor party. When we use this word while describing a toddler, temper tantrums and incessant whining probably come to mind.

Parents of a baby know you can't really spoil a

Preschool Homework for Parents

by T Akery September 8th, 2011| Preschool
Homework is a dirty word for most students. Ever since its inception, it has been a force that both parents and kids dread. But for parents, the homework actually starts in preschool. The assignments seem endless and repetitive but it is all a part of getting prepared for what

Children of Conviction

by Ronald A. Rowe September 2nd, 2011| Elementary, Helpful Hints
The other day my 10-year-old son came home from school and reported that his friends laughed at him because he didn't know who Eminem is. That unpleasant interaction brings to mind the age-old quandary - where is the line between keeping our children above the influence and keeping them

Paper Dolls

by T Akery August 31st, 2011| Helpful Hints, Preschool
Paper dolls are a very old school toy that has never really gone out of style for little girls. Even now, little girls are just as fascinated with the concept as they were years ago.

Paper dolls started out relatively modestly. They were a creative and cheap way to give
