Vtech Kidizoom cameras are one of the more innovative toys out on the market. Since giving your child your cell phone to take pictures inevitably leads to certain disaster, this is the perfect way for your child to dabble in the world of photography and take things from their point of view. Kids will have a blast with this camera.
The Vtech Kidizoom cameras are designed with really one thought in mind. The thick plastic coating protects the camera from just about anything your kid can do to it. It still takes pictures after being dropped, immersed in water, or enduring a day of decorative play. This is the biggest plus to the camera.
Additionally, these cameras provide a few games and optional decorative backgrounds for picture-taking.
They are easy for children to use with the basic point and click method.
For parents, there is a very convenient delete button available for those pictures that you aren’t quite sure what they are and for those very unflattering pictures that should never see daylight again.
These cameras also come with a USB cord that you can attach directly into the computer and download all the creative pictures taken.
The biggest parental complaint with these cameras is the picture quality. In short, it isn’t that great. Movement shots tend to be very fuzzy. The camera is definitely on the low end of the digital spectrum. While some fixes can be made after the pictures transition to the computer, not all of them will be salvageable. But most kids don’t care about having the best looking pictures; all that really matters is that they took the picture.
If you are looking to buy one of these, the best age to get started is around four when kids understand what buttons to push and understand when not to use the flash.
The cameras have come down in price a little, but expect to pay around $40 or more depending on the store. You can also get them online. However, start looking for sales now if you intend to purchase this item for Christmas. There are some sales but they tend to be very rare.
Overall, this toy gets high marks for entertainment and durability, but draws low marks for the picture quality.