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Archives for 2014

visiting baby

5-Year-Olds and a New Baby

by Margot F. April 15th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Five-year-olds rock! They are active, curious and fun. However, they are still dependent on the adults in their life to keep them safe and explain events. The arrival of a baby tends to cause anxiety for everyone. Here a few suggestions to help make the transitions easier.

As a child
dentist sign

3 Reasons for Pregnant Women to Go to the Dentist

by Jane Wangersky April 14th, 2014| Pregnancy
Health care appointments are a part of life during pregnancy, and they need to include dental appointments. Dental care in pregnancy can be important not only for your baby’s healthy development, but for your own comfort. Here’s why:

  • Dental treatments, including X-rays and even local anesthesia, are safe for pregnant

Disagreeing With a Parent

by Jacob P. April 11th, 2014| Behavior, Teen Perspective, Teens
There are times in life when you will disagree with other people.  That is the nature of life, it happens.  If you never disagree with anyone else, you are going to spend your entire life getting pushed around or entirely lack opinions, both of which are bad.  However, as
clothes shopping

I Have Nothing to Wear to School

by Tania Cowling April 10th, 2014| School, Tweens
How many times have you heard this statement from your Tween? It’s been an issue too many times in my home, mostly with my daughter. The boys were happy with a few special shirts and jeans, but my daughter kept moaning that she was a total outcast because she

Patience, My Dear

by Lori Sciame April 9th, 2014| Behavior, Elementary
Over the past 100 years, expectations of a child have changed dramatically.  Long ago, children needed to entertain themselves for hours at time with simple items, such as jacks or a jump rope.  Now they demand to be entertained with TV, computers, and hand held games.  In addition, children
boy at pump

How Safe? Your Child’s Food & Water

by Lori Sciame April 8th, 2014| Preschool, Safety
Food and water provide the necessary nutrients for your preschooler to remain healthy and active.  Just like a car needs the right gasoline to perform effectively, a child needs the correct "fuel" to be able to tackle the business of living!  Parents, then, must monitor more than just vitamin
play with mom

Body Awareness Activities for Toddlers

by Tania Cowling April 7th, 2014| Development, Infants/Toddlers
Body awareness is new and fascinating to toddlers as they discover their world beyond home and family. As parents, we can give our children a head start on learning about our world when we help them learn more about themselves, their body and how it occupies space. It’s not
girl with schoolbooks

Transcripts, From A Teen’s Perspective

by Sam P. April 4th, 2014| Teen Perspective, Teens
Being in high school you are allowed much more free rein in course selection. Back in middle school our classes were chosen for us. However, in high school we can choose what courses we want to take. From wood shop to cooking to drawing, there's a lot to choose
school bus

The Road Trip

by Ronald A. Rowe April 3rd, 2014| Social, Tweens
You’ve been supporting your child since birth. You made sure he had every opportunity, every advantage that you could provide. You schlepped him to extracurricular activities several times a week for years. And now, after 9, 10, 11, 12 years of preparation here is the payoff. He’s going off

How to Choose a Tutor

by Margot F. April 2nd, 2014| Elementary, School
Are you concerned about your child’s academic progress? Would hiring a tutor be helpful? How do you find a tutor? What issues should you consider?

Firstly, decide why you want to hire a tutor. Are you concerned about remediation or maintenance? “Remediation” concentrates on addressing specific gaps in learning, usually

Preschool Angels Turning Into Troublemakers

by T Akery April 1st, 2014| Behavior, Preschool
Preschoolers can be little angels at times. They show off their artwork, they make things for siblings. Most of the time, they even remember their manners. But at some point, they can turn into little troublemakers. When they do, it is often a test of parenting. It can be

Sit Back and Buckle Up

by Jane Wangersky March 31st, 2014| Pregnancy
It can be difficult to get into a car, let alone drive one, while you’re pregnant. But cars and driving are such a fact of life for most adults that you’ll probably want to continue driving as long as you can -- and (unless you’re planning a home birth)
