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Archives for 2014

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Practice Massage to Soothe Your Baby

by Tania Cowling May 19th, 2014| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Just like a massage gives you relaxation, this same technique helps babies feel calm, happy, and even lulls them to a restful sleep. A few simple strokes and bonding help an infant produce fewer stress hormones and even boost their immune system. So, take a few minutes in your daily

Driving Safety: From a Teen’s Perspective

by Sam P. May 16th, 2014| Teen Perspective, Teens
Everyday we hear from parents how dangerous driving is and how cautious we need to be.  And to be honest I agree wholeheartedly.  The chances of getting into a car accident increase dramatically just by speeding even 10 miles above the limit, and the same goes for distracted and

Helping Your Tween with Test Anxiety

by T Akery May 15th, 2014| Behavior, Tweens
Tests are a source of anxiety for Tweens in school. While the tests are designed to help evaluate your Tween's knowledge, they are also heavily emphasized in schools. So, this extra pressure of trying to know everything for the test and the nerves that can come with taking the

Bullying in Sports

by Ronald A. Rowe May 14th, 2014| Elementary, Safety
I recently had the opportunity to counsel with a tearful mother whose son was the victim of bullying.  The problems did not rise to the level of physical conflict but her 10-year-old son, we’ll call him “Aaron,” was suffering from continuous and demoralizing taunting from his baseball teammates.  Aaron

3 Stages of Moving with Preschoolers

by Margot F. May 13th, 2014| Preschool, Social
People move residences for a variety of reasons. Although for adults the process can be stressful, young children are also significantly impacted. How can a parent help a preschooler feel comfortable moving to a new home?

The parent’s attitude towards moving will set the tone for the rest of the

Whooping Cough and Pregnancy

by Jane Wangersky May 12th, 2014| Pregnancy
If you’re pregnant and no one has brought up the subject of getting vaccinated for pertussis -- commonly called whooping cough -- to you, it may be time to bring it up yourself. This disease can be extremely harmful to your baby, and, according to the Center for Disease

Cleaning Your Room: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. May 9th, 2014| Teen Perspective, Teens
I have this theory that I have an easier time focusing in my room when the room is clean and organized. For me, the clutter seems to distract me. Maybe it is just my OCD telling me to clean, or maybe it is more. Maybe the mess symbolizes the

Are School Computers Ergonomically Friendly?

by Tania Cowling May 8th, 2014| School, Tweens
My friend’s Tween came home from middle school complaining of a neck ache and his eyes hurting. We weren’t quite sure what to make of this -- does he need glasses?  Did he pull a muscle? Is this the beginning of a headache syndrome? After cross-examining him with questions,

Manners Aren’t Old-Fashioned

by Lori Sciame May 7th, 2014| Behavior, Elementary
Lots of things change.  The toys elementary children yearned for 20 years ago have long been out of vogue.  The same holds true for which style of popular music they like.  Kids in my day loved the Bay City Rollers!  Even slang comes and goes. (When did sick become

Protect Fragile Skin

by Lori Sciame May 6th, 2014| Preschool, Safety
Preschool children have rejoiced the past few weeks. This is because spring chased winter away, and young children can finally go outside to play.  It's a magical time full of nature's newness:  budding trees, baby birds, and springtime blossoms.  It's also a time when new safety concerns arise.  For

Teach Your Toddlers About Trees

by Tania Cowling May 5th, 2014| Development, Infants/Toddlers
Between Earth Day (April 22) and Arbor Day (the last Friday of April), spring is a time of fascination with trees. As parents we should encourage our children to learn about trees, their care, and the impact they have on Earth. And, just because your child is still young

Teen’s Perspective on License Privileges

by Sam P. May 2nd, 2014| Behavior, Teen Perspective, Teens
For those of you around my age, you should be getting your license soon, or perhaps you already have it.  At least in New Hampshire, the new driver law says that for the first six months that you have a license you can only drive around one non-family member
