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Archives for 2014


TeenSafe: Safety or Snooping?

by Jennifer S. Rowe June 20th, 2014| Safety, Teens
When you consider the term “Teen Safety”, a plethora of things instantly comes to mind, so I decided to do some research about what is on the forefront for concerned parents. If you guessed cell phones and social media being the top concern, you would be correct! As I

Think Twice About…

by Lori Sciame June 19th, 2014| Safety, Tweens
Safety must be a priority...always.  It doesn't matter if your tween thinks he or she is grown up enough to make independent decisions, it's still your right (and responsibility) as a parent to keep your child safe.  While you do not want to be a "helicopter" parent, one that

Plan Some Staycation Fun With the Kids

by Tania Cowling June 18th, 2014| Elementary, Social
School is out, summer is here, and time to think about family vacations. Sure, we love to daydream of glorified trips but when work doesn’t allow much time off and we find ourselves crunching numbers in the budget, sometimes a staycation at home sounds like the right decision. Here

The Reggio Emilia Philosophy is Child Centered

by Margot F. June 17th, 2014| Preschool, School
The Reggio Emilia approach to teaching preschoolers is well established in Italy and popular in many large cities in North America. The philosophy is child centered and encourages direct family participation. Is a preschool based on this philosophy suitable for your child?

The Reggio Emilia approach is named after a

Fever and Thermometers: What Are the Options?

by Tania Cowling June 16th, 2014| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Fever is an elevation of the normal body temperature. It can be caused by an infection, though sometimes not. A normal body temperature can range from 97 degrees F to 99+ degrees F and varies from person to person. Oral temperatures above 99.6, or rectal temperature above 100.4 degrees

Summer Fun?

by Sam P. June 13th, 2014| Behavior, Teen Perspective, Teens
As school comes to an end and summer starts up, almost all of us are dying to go to the beach or on adventures, but we may not be allowed to.  Our behavior accumulates as we slowly grow up into young adults, and if yours hasn't been the most

Improving Your Tween’s Communication Skills

by T Akery June 12th, 2014| Behavior, Tweens
The art of communication is an essential skill that your Tween has to develop as they grow into adulthood. It is a skill that also affects many aspects of their behavior. It can help them develop their own self-confidence, better communicate their problems, and help them face their peers.
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Fatherhood In a Box

by Ronald A. Rowe June 11th, 2014| Elementary, Product reviews

Today’s dads are working harder than ever to be good fathers to our children.  According to Pew Research, 63% of fathers say being a good dad is harder now than it was a generation ago.  We all want to do the right thing but trying to strike the


5 Ideas for Outdoor Fun With Preschoolers

by Margot F. June 10th, 2014| Preschool, Social
With the warmer weather, there are more opportunities for young children to play outside. This is a great way to encourage creativity and promote healthy living.

Preschoolers are full of wonder about the world around them. With work schedules more relaxed in the summer, maybe now is the time to

Pregnant This Summer? Stay Cool and Healthy

by Jane Wangersky June 9th, 2014| Pregnancy
Everyone wants to stay cool in summer, and no one more than a pregnant woman. But for her, it’s a matter of health and safety as well as comfort. According to the EPA, an increase in the mother’s core body temperature can affect the baby, especially during the first

A Reflection: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. June 6th, 2014| Teen Perspective, Teens
This article marks my final contribution to Your Parenting Info.  On June 26th, I'll begin attending the United States Air Force Academy, making it impossible to continue writing. However, I am looking forward to my future with the United States Air Force and the opportunities presented to me.  In

How About Dress Codes for Parents?

by Tania Cowling June 5th, 2014| School, Tweens
Many schools across the country have dress codes and/or uniforms for their students. In my city, it is mostly for elementary, middle school, and some private school children. Just a few weeks ago, Broward County, Florida made the national news when a school board member addressed the board about
