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safety child

Gun Safety for Toddlers

by T Akery December 27th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers are curious creatures, especially when it comes to handguns. Many have died just because they have gotten their hands on them. The bulk of the responsibility lies on the parents. So if you intend to bring a gun into your home with toddlers around, here are

Perfect Play Dates

by Lori Sciame December 26th, 2012| Preschool
Preschoolers love play dates. Having friends come to the home lends itself to fun and excitement for the child, but a parent may end up with a raging headache if he or she doesn’t plan for the event ahead of time. From the number of children to invite to structured

Christmas Gifts for Siblings: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. December 25th, 2012| Teen Perspective, Teens
Christmas is upon us!  As a child during Christmas (or your holiday of preference), receiving gifts is a highly exciting event.  Often, if you have siblings, you will buy them gifts with either your own or your parents' money.  In larger families, this can become very expensive.  So, some

Gun Safety for Tweens

by T Akery December 24th, 2012| Tweens
The temptation to have a gun in the house is greater than ever. With the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary still looming, your tween's safety has moved to the forefront. Thus, the urge to get protection is strong. But as parents, it is up to us to instill a

Pregnancy and Tragic News

by Jane Wangersky December 20th, 2012| Pregnancy
During my first pregnancy, I experienced one of those permanent changes that a woman doesn't really know about until it's hit her. While watching TV, I saw news footage of a refugee woman -- I don't even remember where she was from, or what disaster had driven her from

National Tragedy

by Ronald A. Rowe December 19th, 2012| Elementary
The unthinkable tragedy that hit Newtown, Connecticut last week has no rational explanation, no silver lining, and no moral. It’s senseless and horrible and painful for everyone touched by it it. As parents of elementary children, we will be faced with the challenge of if, when, and how to

Dealing With Newtown, Connecticut’s Tragedy

by T Akery December 18th, 2012| Elementary
Emotionally, this is probably my most difficult article to write. The tragedy at Newtown, Connecticut, really made no sense. There are no words to describe this tragedy. One lone gunman turned a parent's hope into a parent's worst nightmare.

At this point, all we can do is grieve with the

Predicament: Kids Hearing About School Shooting

by Editorial Team December 17th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
How do we help children feel safe and deal with their feelings after hearing about something terrible like the school shooting in Connecticut?

The Spirit of Giving in Toddlers

by T Akery December 12th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
The Christmas season brings excitement, presents and even a little bit of magic for toddlers. While it is obviously fun for them to open up their own presents, they can still experience some of the feelings of learning a little bit about giving. You can help your toddler experience

Stocking Stuffers for Preschoolers

by T Akery December 5th, 2012| Preschool
With Christmastime approaching, your preschooler is about halfway through the year. But if you aren't too keen on filling up their stocking full of sugar, there are a few things that will fit in their stocking that will help them finish out the school year. Most of these aren't

Tackling Mixed Hair in Toddlers

by T Akery November 29th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Mixed hair is a combination of curly and perpetually dry hair that has a tendency to both frizz and tangle on the same day. It can be extremely difficult to tackle as most hair products just don't work that well at conditioning or getting rid of the tangles. In

Preschool Writing Skills

by T Akery November 27th, 2012| Preschool
By kindergarten, preschoolers are expected to know how to write their name. It isn't expected to be perfect but all the letters should be recognizable and in the right order. One of the tasks for preschool teachers is getting them to practice their name. It can be easy if
