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Dealing With Newtown, Connecticut’s Tragedy

by T Akery | December 18th, 2012 | Elementary

Emotionally, this is probably my most difficult article to write. The tragedy at Newtown, Connecticut, really made no sense. There are no words to describe this tragedy. One lone gunman turned a parent’s hope into a parent’s worst nightmare.

At this point, all we can do is grieve with the ones who lost their kids. It is difficult to deal with the loss of any child. What can you really say that will help alleviate some of the pain? There are really no words. The victims will be remembered but the pain will never really go away.

How do you explain to your children about a loss that big? It is nearly impossible for them to grasp. You really can’t explain those extra hugs or that extra minute you spend telling them you love them. This was a reminder of how precious time really is.

So what can we do to help this community who lost so many in such a short time? Before you donate your money, you should absolutely check out the charity first. Don’t donate to any charity that suddenly pops up or solicits your email address. Also, check out any charities that are endorsed by celebrities. They have been fooled before. So please exercise caution before making monetary donations.

There are a couple of charities that are providing counselors for the community. The Newton Parent Connection is reaching out with extra counselors to help. For more information, you can check out their website or call (203) 270-1600.

Another charity jumping in with counselors is  Newton Youth and Family Services. For more information on this organization, you can call (203) 270-4335.

If you are your children are having trouble with dealing with this tragedy, please get in contact with a grief counselor.

This week is going to be emotionally tough. Tell your kids that you love them and give them extra hugs. It will be hard sending them to school. Just know that you are not alone in these feelings.

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