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Archives for children

Solution: Talking After Timeout

by Playroom Supervisors November 16th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
I read that when you put a child in time out, you shouldn't talk about the problem behavior anymore once the time out is over. But what if he's too out of control to listen to me while he's actually doing it and being put in time out?

Every child

3 Ways to Develop the Self

by Lori Sciame November 15th, 2012| Preschool
Preschoolers love everything about their bodies.  For instance, they enjoy making faces at themselves in the mirror just to see how many different expressions they can convey -- sad,  happy, mad, goofy, and scared. They may also stare in amazement at their hands as soon as they realize how

Winter Safety for Toddlers

by T Akery November 14th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
With temperatures dropping and the approach of the winter season, toddlers often get restricted to playing indoors. This is also the time of year that the heat gets turned on, space heaters are pulled out, wood stoves get lit, and numerous other home hazards appear. Wintertime can turn into

Online Encyclopedias a Great Resource

by Lori Sciame November 12th, 2012| Elementary
For years, elementary children across the United States relied on a cumbersome set of encyclopedias for information on the world around them.  In fact, in hundreds of thousands of households, having a set of encyclopedias on a shelf in the living room had great meaning -- basically that the

Which Preschool Projects to Save

by T Akery November 9th, 2012| Preschool
Preschoolers bring home a lot of projects. At some point, the amount of paperwork becomes a little overwhelming. While you are proud of everything your preschooler has brought home, finding additional space among the toys, clothes, and other things is challenging. So here  are a few tips on deciding

I’m Grown Up Now, Right?

by Ronald A. Rowe November 6th, 2012| Tweens
One of the many challenges facing parents of tweens is managing the rapidly evolving transition from child to... something else. Kids want to feel and act grown up -- in accordance with their own understanding of what it means to be grown up. Sometimes, that involves a tween overstepping

Predicament: Talking After Time Out

by Editorial Team November 5th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
I read that when you put a child in time out, you shouldn't talk about the problem behavior anymore once the time out is over. But what if he's too out of control to listen to me while he's actually doing it and being put in time out?

Solution: Cleaning Up

by Editorial Team November 2nd, 2012| Parenting Predicament
How do I get my five-year-old to clean up her toys off the living room floor without stopping to play with them, taking all night, or getting me to do it myself?

The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development gives an example:

Andre uses an egg timer to let

Preschool Jobs

by T Akery November 1st, 2012| Preschool
Your preschooler typically has lots of fun learning the basics through a number of means. Craft projects, painting, coloring, and hands on manipulation are a few ways your preschooler gains experience in math, science, and reading. But there is one area that is directly geared toward teaching them responsibility

Patience: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. October 31st, 2012| Teen Perspective, Teens
Patience is a virtue.  This oft-uttered phrase is one of the truest cliches found in modern society.  Although it is widely used, almost to the point of being overused, it stands true.  At many points in life, patience will be a necessity to achieve something that you want.  Rushing

Teach Toddlers to Keep Their Hands to Themselves

by T Akery October 30th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
One of the more frustrating aspects of toddlers is their ability to get into trouble. This includes trying your patience and pushing the boundaries of what is acceptable and what isn't. Some toddlers just have a hard time with the concept of keeping their hands to themselves. This is

Parenting and Unemployment

by Ronald A. Rowe October 23rd, 2012| Elementary
It is an unfortunate reality of modern life that a majority of us will go through a period of unemployment at one time or another. Many will go through that trying ordeal while raising children. How an we turn this negative in our professional lives into a positive teaching
