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Archives for children

Easter, Sugar, and Pre-Schoolers

by Lori Sciame April 6th, 2012| Preschool
Running, jumping, dancing, yelling, giggling, kicking - all caused by ingesting massive amounts of sugar.  I've seen it.  You've probably witnessed it as well.

Here's the scenario.  A 3-year-old receives a beautiful Easter basket filled to the brim with candy of all kinds, in interesting shapes and gorgeous colors ....

Parenting Predicament: “But All My Friends . . .”

by Jane Wangersky April 5th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
This week, we answer the question:

When I object to my son (age 13) talking disrespectfully to me, he says that's just the way his friends always talk. I tell him they probably don't usually talk to their parents that way, but as he never sees them with their parents,

Things to Know About the Baby Shower

by T Akery April 4th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
The baby shower is a celebration of the upcoming baby and the soon-to-be mother. It is a party atmosphere where friends and family gather. It is supposed to be a fun affair where presents are given with the thoughts of both mom and baby in mind. But like any

Bike Safety is No Joke

by Lori Sciame April 3rd, 2012| Elementary
Can you smell it?  Spring flowers and rain showers!  Soon, children will once again be outside riding bikes. Along with the freedom of "hitting the open road" this activity allows, adults and kids alike need to think about another important issue - safety.

If you've read my posts, you know

The Fatherhood Games

by Ronald A. Rowe March 28th, 2012| Helpful Hints, Tweens
I am officially the father of a Tween now. I was spared the whole Twilight ordeal because my children were too young to care about some mopey girl and her Vampire / Werewolf suitors. But The Hunger Games? That's a whole other story.

My now

Music, Music, Music!

by Lori Sciame March 27th, 2012| Teens, Tweens
My ninth grade daughter sang "The Star Spangled Banner" in front of the Statue of Liberty today. Yesterday she walked onto the stage of the famed Apollo, and performed where many of America's greatest singers have also belted out memorable musical numbers. Is my daughter a hit recording artist?

Letting Your Preschooler Choose School Clothes

by T Akery March 23rd, 2012| Preschool
Preschoolers are just beginning to develop their skills for school. One of those skills they are beginning to learn is making choices. A way to incorporate this is by allowing them to pick their own clothes for preschool. This is a chance for you to establish a routine that

Stumped? Call the Guidance Counselor

by Lori Sciame March 21st, 2012| Elementary
My youngest child had just turned six when her father and I separated. She went from having one set of rules in one home, to two sets of rules in two homes. She also had to begin packing her life into bags and suitcases every few days, and she

Jealousy in Toddlers with Younger Siblings

by T Akery March 20th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers can very easily become jealous of other kids, especially siblings. This is true especially with siblings who are younger than they are. The main reason they become jealous is that they are no longer the center of a parent's attention. The younger sibling usually requires much more parental

A Lesson About Heroes and Role Models

by Ronald A. Rowe March 15th, 2012| Tweens
I got an unintended reminder this week that I thought I would pass on to you. I recently took on an assignment as the Staff Reporter for a local UIFL Football team, the Lakeland Raiders. I'd been bringing my 11-year-old son along with me, thinking

Tinker Bell Sleeping Bag

by T Akery March 14th, 2012| Preschool, Product reviews
The Tinker Bell Sleeping Bag was a purchase made for a sleepover party. It came with a case in which you can roll it up. On it is a picture of Tinkerbell in vivid colors, with the back of the bag in more or less neon green. It is

Give Chaperoning a Try

by Lori Sciame March 8th, 2012| Preschool
The apple orchard, the pumpkin patch, the petting zoo, the fire station - places I've visited with my children's preschool. We had a lot of fun, not only while squeezed three to a seat during the lumbering bus rides, but also while exploring the unique features of these exciting
