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Archives for 2014

school bus

School Bus Safety: Simple Lessons for Preschoolers

by Tania Cowling August 26th, 2014| Preschool, Safety
Whether your youngster will be attending a VPK program or a public or private preschool, buses are used for transporting many children to and from school. For some preschoolers this new venture is fun and exciting, where others find this scary. To help ease the school bus anxiety, why
boy in sand

Sand Play Develops Skills in Toddlers

by Tania Cowling August 25th, 2014| Development, Infants/Toddlers
Sand play presents a new world for toddlers to conquer. It becomes an all year recipe that combines the components of tactile experimentation and a wonderful opportunity to “make a mess.” But, parents don’t fret – this messy play helps the child learn new concepts, develop their motor skills,
party hat

Teen’s Perspective on Family Parties

by Sam P. August 22nd, 2014| Social, Teens
As we get older, family parties become more and more difficult.  Between the smothering amounts of love you receive from old relatives you haven't seen since you were five, and hardly remember, to the fact that there's almost never anyone your age there, family parties can be rough.  But

Is Montessori School Education Good for Your Child?

by Margot F. August 20th, 2014| Elementary, School
While Montessori preschools are common, there are only a few Montessori elementary schools and usually just in large urban centres. This is unfortunate because with beautiful learning materials and a structured programme to teach academics, many children would benefit from this system. What is the Montessori philosophy and is
television remote

Preschool Fits About Television Programming

by T Akery August 19th, 2014| Behavior, Preschool
While the television is a means of entertainment for Preschoolers, it can sometimes be an obsession. It is perfectly fine to let them enjoy their shows and pick out their favorite characters. However, when it becomes a battleground and the source of fits because your Preschooler can't watch something,

Creative Space for Expressing Milk at Work

by Jane Wangersky August 18th, 2014| Pregnancy
If you’re planning to go back to work before you stop breastfeeding your baby, you’re likely aware that your employer is required by law to give you time and space to express your breast milk. (This goes for employers with 50 or more workers; smaller companies can’t be held

Communication Can Save Lives- Talk to Your Teen

by Jennifer S. Rowe August 15th, 2014| Social, Teens
So here I am trying to think of an article to write on the subject of “teen safety” and BOOM, I read this open letter on facebook from a mother to her teen son about drinking alcohol. Don’t you love it when a great opportunity just presents itself!

Sometimes as

Being Social in the 21st Century

by Ronald A. Rowe August 14th, 2014| Social, Tweens
The term “social” does not have the same connotation that it did when we were kids.  Teens today feel just as connected, if not more so, when they text or chat online as they do when talking with friends face to face.  Many of their younger siblings in the

Little Known Safety Hazards- Keep Your Tween Safe

by Lori Sciame August 14th, 2014| Safety, Tweens
Parents try their best to keep their children out of harm's way.  They strap a newborn into a car seat for her first car ride home, plus they childproof every room in the house - and this is only the beginning.  From the moment your child enters this world,
clothing store

Make Back to School Shopping Fun with the Kids

by Tania Cowling August 13th, 2014| Elementary, Social
Parents can get back-to-school shopping done with the kids along -- and it can be an exciting learning experience for them with these tips.

The mall or department store is a special place for anyone with its sights, sounds, and smells. There are several things to do with children before,

Is Montessori Preschool Right for Your Child?

by Margot F. August 12th, 2014| Preschool, School
Montessori preschools are extremely popular in my urban community. The rooms are brightly coloured, clean and have gorgeous furniture. What is the Montessori Method? Is it appropriate for your child?

Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) was an Italian physician and educator best known for her educational philosophy, which is used

Can the Family Pet Make Your Child Sick?

by Tania Cowling August 11th, 2014| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Recently I read an article on how a toddler is fighting Salmonella disease after the family pets ate contaminated food; this news via the Charlotte Observer really struck me. This poor two-year-old child has Salmonella and continues to be a carrier. She periodically has relapses of the symptoms.
