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Archives for 2012

Test Stress

by Ronald A. Rowe April 27th, 2012| Tweens
There are tests and there are tests. In Florida we have something called the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test. Basically it is the yardstick by which the state measures academic success. These two weeks of testing are a stressful time for everyone involved - students, parents, teachers, and administrators. The

Busy? It’s Worth It!

by Lori Sciame April 26th, 2012| Elementary
When your child enters elementary school, you quickly become adept at managing not only your household chores and your work responsibilities, but you also organize  your child's varied activities.  Although an exciting time, you may wonder if the hectic pace will be worth it in the end.  Will your

Detecting Learning Disabilities at Preschool

by T Akery April 25th, 2012| Preschool
Preschool is a time for fun and games, and is one of the first steps your child takes in the more formal setup of learning at school. At a young age, it isn't always easy to determine if your child has a learning disability. But in a school setting,

Teen’s Perspective on Middle School Drama

by Sam P. April 24th, 2012| Teen Perspective, Teens
Middle school will probably end up being some of the worst years of your life because everybody is going through puberty, so girls are extra emotional and guys are getting acne.  (Well, actually everyone gets acne.)  Normally when you think about eighth grade, you think of a bunch of

Predicament: Carnivorous Teen

by Jane Wangersky April 23rd, 2012| Parenting Predicament
My teen doesn't like vegetables or carbs but just wants to fill up on meat. I know this is not a balanced diet. It's also expensive. What should I do?

Readers -- give us your ideas in the combox.

Helpful Tips for the Father-to-Be

by R. Carnavale April 23rd, 2012| Pregnancy
Congratulations - you're about to become a father!

While there are a lot of resources out there for expectant mothers, dads-to-be may find they're at a loss as to what to expect and do.  While it's easy to adopt a passive stance, you'll help your partner and child more if

Solution: Homework Avoidance

by Mrs. C. April 20th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
This week we provide the solution to the predicament:

My 6-year-old son resists doing homework.  I let him play after school for a while, and then I ask him to sit down to do homework while I make dinner.  The homework is a little challenging for him, but not overwhelmingly

Having Visitors Around the New Baby

by T Akery April 19th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
A new baby is like an invitation for people to visit. After all, everyone wants to see the new baby. But it is just as important to have some alone time with the new baby, so visitors aren't always welcome. It can be hard to say no to them

Family Sports: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. April 18th, 2012| Teen Perspective, Teens
On a nice day, like today, there is nothing like spending your day outside in the sun.  Nobody wants to spend their time inside watching TV.  Many families like to spend their time outside playing games together.  In fact, I just finished playing whiffle ball with my cousin, sister,

Helping Your Preschooler to Battle Germs

by T Akery April 17th, 2012| Preschool
Preschool introduces your child to a lot of new things. Unfortunately, one of the bad things is exposure to germs that other children bring in. Those germs are easily spread and can make your child sick. While you can't insulate them from this type of exposure, you can give

Thongs Gone Wrong

by Lori Sciame April 16th, 2012| Tweens
Thong.  I hate that word.  Why? Because when my daughter turned 12 years old, her best  friend gave her Victoria's Secret (VS) thongs for a birthday present.  I will admit, I am old-fashioned, so I became extremely upset that another mother had taken it upon herself to buy my daughter intimate apparel.  The

Tweens Coloring Their Hair

by T Akery April 13th, 2012| Tweens
Your tween may want to express their individuality by changing their hair color. Now the decision on whether to allow them to dye their hair is completely up to you as a parent. But if you do allow your tween to take on a new hair color, there are
