Congratulations – you’re about to become a father!
While there are a lot of resources out there for expectant mothers, dads-to-be may find they’re at a loss as to what to expect and do. While it’s easy to adopt a passive stance, you’ll help your partner and child more if you actively participate while your partner’s pregnant, so here are some suggestions to help you achieve a full partner status during the pregnancy:
- Develop a game plan with your partner for announcing the pregnancy to relatives, friends, and employers.
- Read books and watch videos on pregnancy to learn about the physiological changes your partner will experience and your unborn child’s development. Prep up on what to expect in the delivery room and how you can help.
- Accompany your partner on doctor’s visits.
- It’s a team effort: If your partner has to quit smoking and drinking during the pregnancy, so should you, at least around your partner, to show your support. (Remember, secondhand smoke is dangerous for your pregnant partner and your unborn child.)
- Consider your finances and develop some strategies for covering the bills during and after the pregnancy.
- Support your partner emotionally by listening to her with an empathetic ear.
- Think of some names for your baby.
- Help your partner purchase stuff you’ll need after the baby’s born: car seat, crib, clothes, toys, diapers and changing table, stroller, monitor baby bottles and formula.
- Make your partner feel special (she already is, after all): buy her some flowers; write her a love poem; after she’s overcome morning sickness, treat her to dinner at her favorite restaurant.
- Help make meals and do chores around the house.
- Talk to your boss about taking some time off from work after your baby’s born so that you can help take care of your partner and child. See the Family Medical Leave Act referenced below for more information on your rights.
Finally, be sure to enjoy the ride – becoming a father is the emotional and spiritual adventure of a lifetime!
Recommended reading:
DadLabs Guide to Fatherhood: Pregnancy and Year One by Clay Nichols, Brad Powell, Troy Lanier, and Owen Egerton
Employee Rights and Responsibilities under the Family Medical Leave Act: click here.
The Expectant Father: Facts, Tips, and Advice for Dads-to-Be by Armin A. Brott and Jennifer Ash