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Archives for 2011

Vtech Kidizoom Cameras

by T Akery September 16th, 2011| Helpful Hints, Product reviews
Vtech Kidizoom cameras are one of the more innovative toys out on the market. Since giving your child your cell phone to take pictures inevitably leads to certain disaster, this is the perfect way for your child to dabble in the world of photography and take things from their

What Kids Really Want

by Ronald A. Rowe September 15th, 2011| Elementary
There's an expression that goes around in parenting circles: Children don't care how much money you make, they only care if you're around -until they're teenagers. Then, they don't care if you're around, they only care about how much money you make. While I certainly hope the second part

Avoid Spoiling Your Toddler

by Lori Sciame September 14th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
Spoil. This word brings to mind negative connotations, including spoiled food in the refrigerator, and the rain that spoils an outdoor party. When we use this word while describing a toddler, temper tantrums and incessant whining probably come to mind.

Parents of a baby know you can't really spoil a

Teen’s Perspective : Going Back to Homework

by Sam P. September 12th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
It's 6 p.m., you just got back from football and you have tons of homework to do, but you just don't feel like doing it. Your bedtime is 10 p.m., you still have to eat and shower too.  Time ticks by and suddenly it's 9:30 and that essay that

Solving Dressing Dilemmas

by Lori Sciame September 9th, 2011| Preschool
Do you have a pre-schooler who hates getting dressed in the morning? Does he or she veto every outfit you pick out, and run screaming whenever you approach with a brush? If you do, don't despair, you are not alone. Many parents have spirited children that make the morning

Preschool Homework for Parents

by T Akery September 8th, 2011| Preschool
Homework is a dirty word for most students. Ever since its inception, it has been a force that both parents and kids dread. But for parents, the homework actually starts in preschool. The assignments seem endless and repetitive but it is all a part of getting prepared for what

Teach Your Child to Dream Big

by Lori Sciame September 7th, 2011| Elementary
Every child has a dream. Whether they fantasize about being a football player, a dancer, or an astronaut, they feel as if they can accomplish anything. As a parent of a son or daughter in elementary school, you have the unique opportunity to nourish your child's dreams. There are

Alcohol: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. September 5th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
I have never drunk alcohol, with the exception of communion wine.  As a high school sophomore, that makes me part of of a minority, not the majority.  According to the Federal Government, 64% of eighth graders have consumed alcohol, 81% of sophomores have, and 92% of seniors have.  This

Children of Conviction

by Ronald A. Rowe September 2nd, 2011| Elementary, Helpful Hints
The other day my 10-year-old son came home from school and reported that his friends laughed at him because he didn't know who Eminem is. That unpleasant interaction brings to mind the age-old quandary - where is the line between keeping our children above the influence and keeping them

Helping Your Teen Apply to College

by Louise September 1st, 2011| Teen Perspective
Applying to college is a stressful process, for children and parents alike. It's time-consuming and can be expensive. As a sophomore in college, I feel as though it all happened yesterday. There are really only three steps to the college application process. Unfortunately, those steps aren't so easy. In

Paper Dolls

by T Akery August 31st, 2011| Helpful Hints, Preschool
Paper dolls are a very old school toy that has never really gone out of style for little girls. Even now, little girls are just as fascinated with the concept as they were years ago.

Paper dolls started out relatively modestly. They were a creative and cheap way to give

Advice – Take It or Leave It

by Lori Sciame August 29th, 2011| Infants/Toddlers
Can you believe a nurse at the hospital told me not to hold my newborn baby? I still remember her - very old school - still wore that stiff nurse's cap on her head! I didn't think I'd heard her correctly, then she repeated the advice: hold the baby
