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Archives for 2010

No Pressure

by Ronald A. Rowe March 29th, 2010| Elementary
This week my lovely wife and I were called into the school to talk to Max's teacher.  Max is a good nine year old boy who rarely (but not never) gets into trouble, so I wasn't too worried about what the conversation might entail.   It turned out to

Dr. Brown’s Bottle System

by Joe Lawrence March 26th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
My wife and I spent many hours researching each item purchased for my daughter.  She is our first child, and we both want the best for her.  When it came to bottles, we decided this is an important investment and wanted the best.

I am a review reader and thus

Freedom and Responsibility from the Parent’s Perspective

by Michele March 24th, 2010| Teens
Last week, one of our teen writers shared his perspective on the balance of freedom and responsibility.  I believe Jacob expressed his thoughts well and gave some insightful advice from the 13 year old viewpoint.  While I agree with his thinking, it seemed appropriate to share thoughts from the

Politeness 101

by Ronald A. Rowe March 22nd, 2010| Elementary
One of the most consistent comments I get about my children is that they are so polite. It is a wonderful compliment but also something of an indictment of what passes for manners among most children today.  So, for what it's worth, here are the keys that I


by Ronald A. Rowe March 19th, 2010| Product reviews
The latest in the string of card games that my son has brought home is Bakugan.  Really, to call it a card game does it somewhat of an injustice.  Bakugan is, well, a different thing altogether.

The Bakugan themselves are little colored spheres, the size of a big aggie, or

The Freedom and Responsibility Balance

by Jacob P. March 17th, 2010| Teen Perspective, Teens
Recently, my mom came to me with a deal.  Because I had earned more freedoms recently, I now am not reminded to do things, like homework, and if I don't wake up on time, I lose time on my Xbox and/or TV. I think this set of rules is

Formula for Parenting

by Joe Lawrence March 15th, 2010| Teens
Ever since my wife told me that I was going to be a daddy, I have been consumed with my daughter's future.  I know as she gets older, she is going to test the waters.  Also, she is not experienced in this world and will need help making tough

Summer Infant SwaddleMe

by Joe Lawrence March 12th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers, Product reviews
I still can remember going to the baby classes and watching the lady swaddle the baby doll.  It was a scary moment for me because I could not grasp the concept.  Diapers, bottles, baths nor anything else gave me even the smallest bead of sweat.  It was swaddling.

Thank you

Government Day

by Ronald A. Rowe March 10th, 2010| Elementary
I signed my nine year old, Max, up for a one day program in Tallahassee to learn about the processes of government and how laws are made. Having read that, you probably have one of two questions.

If you're from one of the other 49, less sunshiny states, you

Easy Omelets

by Louise March 8th, 2010| Teens, Tweens
Do you do all the cooking in your household? Is it always up to the parents to prepare every meal? Sometimes it's good to teach preteens or teens how to make their own meal, so if you can't make it home in time to prepare dinner, they can still

Aqua Sand

by Ronald A. Rowe March 5th, 2010| Product reviews
When my younger son asked for Aqua Sand for his upcoming fourth birthday, I gave him one of my best non-committal dad answers to give me time to think it over.  I had seen the commercials, so I was familiar with the basic concept.  I had seen enough to realize that I needed

Babies Are Not Drones

by Joe Lawrence March 3rd, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
Newsflash, babies are not mindless drones.  You can't program them to follow a specific schedule or even to act a certain way.  They are people.

Now with that newsflash out of the way, let us get to the root.  I always thought that my self-discipline and desire to strive for
