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Archives for 2009


Parenting The Only Child

by Gumer Liston March 26th, 2009| Helpful Hints
The circumstances surrounding a child as he grows up has a big influence on the formation of his character. My son is an only child; I know that he is growing up differently from other children who have siblings. Missing out on having siblings has both good and bad effects on him, so my

Consistency: Allowance and Bedtime

by Louise March 24th, 2009| Teen Perspective
In many families, the oldest sibling generally deals with the strictest rules, which is natural because parents can be uncertain which liberties should be granted to their children. As a younger sibling, I have reaped the benefits of this phenomenon: when my older sister started receiving allowance I did, too, at the same

Teenage Driving

by B Kenney March 18th, 2009| Teens
Sixteen is the legal driving age in many states. This is probably one of the biggest periods that parents dread when it comes to their children's lives.

A vehicle is often considered a toy by some, when in reality it is more like a couple thousand pound weapon.

So, how do you

Dad is Not the Assistant Mom

by Ronald A. Rowe March 11th, 2009| Helpful Hints
Parenting is such a wonderful job. Sadly, many men miss out on some of the prime parenting moments because they defer the "parent stuff" to the mom while focusing almost exclusively on being the provider. Despite the way fathers have been portrayed in sit-coms and movies for decades

When Your Child Begins to Ask Difficult Questions

by Gumer Liston March 10th, 2009| Helpful Hints
As my son grows older, he becomes smarter. I know that it is also the same case with other parents; they notice how quickly their children learn to see through things. The smarter children even learn early how to see through their parents.  As children become smarter, they become really
Autism Kid

Living With Autism

by BBlock March 4th, 2009| Infants/Toddlers
Autism causes children to experience the world very differently than most people do.  Autism, sometimes called classical autism, is a brain disorder that affects your child's development.  It is first recognizable in early infancy, or childhood, usually by the age of three, and generally follows a steady course without remission.

How To Raise Healthy Children

by Gumer Liston March 3rd, 2009| Elementary
There are more overweight children today than there were 10 or 15 years ago. This is because more and more children today  lead unhealthy lifestyles. Today children spend at least five hours in front of the TV each day and eat unhealthy food. More and more children are not into

All About Preschoolers

by Gumer Liston February 25th, 2009| Preschool

Children grow so fast physically and mentally, and every day that comes brings something new into your child.  As a parent, I try to keep up with these changes in my child; for me this is what makes parenting thrilling.  To learn more about my preschooler, it is not only

Why Infants Shouldn’t Eat Honey

by Bea February 24th, 2009| Infants/Toddlers

You may have been told or read about how you should not feed infants honey. Some of you may have questioned this, while others may have added this to a new line of the already lengthy list of foods you should not feed your baby.

So, why should you not feed

When Your Preschooler Misbehaves Intentionally

by Gumer Liston February 19th, 2009| Preschool
Parenting would be a lot easier (and less exciting) if we remembered how exactly our minds worked when we were between the ages three and five. But it's not how things are and we parents have to struggle (happily) daily to try to read our children's minds.

I have noticed lately

Board Games for the Family

by Louise February 18th, 2009| Teen Perspective
My family is really big on playing board games. It is definitely the best way for us to get together and interact, a completely different experience from watching a movie together. Maybe there is someone in your the family who claims to hate board games, but it might be because he

Bidding for Chores

by Michele February 11th, 2009| Elementary
As parents, my husband and I have had a few discussions about allowances.  To me, they always have seemed problematic.  If you simply give your child money, it seems that he would learn to expect that money be given always.  If you attach the allowance to chores, your child can
