Children grow so fast physically and mentally, and every day that comes brings something new into your child. As a parent, I try to keep up with these changes in my child; for me this is what makes parenting thrilling. To learn more about my preschooler, it is not only him that I observe. I also observe other kids–his playmates.
I learned that children three to five years old begin to socialize; they become more interested in other children and start to value friendship. I am not really sure about how much they understand about the complexities of things like friendship, but I know that at this age they already understand the beauty of sharing, and that other people have feelings and rights that need to be respected.
Preschoolers are increasingly independent and probably can do chores like dressing, with little help. They also can understand and follow spoken directions. At this age kids also gain better motor skills, it shows in their drawings and scrawls which are by now finer. The imaginations of children at this age also become sharper and stronger. It is during this time that they could develop fears like imagined monsters lurking in the dark. Parents should know how to handle this.
Because they have greater large-muscle control than toddlers, preschoolers are more active and love to run, jump, skip, climb things, and dance. My little boy is always all over the house, and at times it feels like there are a dozen of him running around.
Preschoolers recognize the letters of the alphabet and know how to match and sort things that are similar and dissimilar. They also recognize humor and practical jokes. This is the best time to teach them the the necessary things that become the strong base for their education. It is also during this time that they start to become good at picking up what adults say, which is why parents should be careful about what they say to their preschoolers.

a good post and a good observation c: