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boy at pump

How Safe? Your Child’s Food & Water

by Lori Sciame April 8th, 2014| Preschool, Safety
Food and water provide the necessary nutrients for your preschooler to remain healthy and active.  Just like a car needs the right gasoline to perform effectively, a child needs the correct "fuel" to be able to tackle the business of living!  Parents, then, must monitor more than just vitamin
school bus

The Road Trip

by Ronald A. Rowe April 3rd, 2014| Social, Tweens
You’ve been supporting your child since birth. You made sure he had every opportunity, every advantage that you could provide. You schlepped him to extracurricular activities several times a week for years. And now, after 9, 10, 11, 12 years of preparation here is the payoff. He’s going off

How to Choose a Tutor

by Margot F. April 2nd, 2014| Elementary, School
Are you concerned about your child’s academic progress? Would hiring a tutor be helpful? How do you find a tutor? What issues should you consider?

Firstly, decide why you want to hire a tutor. Are you concerned about remediation or maintenance? “Remediation” concentrates on addressing specific gaps in learning, usually
gun mural

Hot Topic – Guns

by Lori Sciame March 27th, 2014| Safety, Tweens
My husband recently retired after serving as a police officer for 33 years.  His daily practice the minute he arrived home: unload the bullets from his gun, lock the gun and the bullets in separate holders, then place each on a separate (high) shelf in the closet.  Never once
night window

Night Terrors

by Ronald A. Rowe March 19th, 2014| Elementary
We spend a lot of time here at Your Parenting Info discussing how to keep our elementary-age children safe from all manner of harm out there in the world. Today’s kids face stranger danger, bullying, peer pressure, sports and play injuries, contaminated food and water, poor role models, and
girl in pink sweater

Fabulous Four-Year-Olds

by Margot F. March 18th, 2014| Preschool, Social
Seemingly overnight, a four-year-old transforms from being a toddler to looking and acting like a miniature person.

By four, most children are toilet trained with the exception of the occasional accident when the child is too busy to go to the washroom. During an exciting event, it is helpful if
kids on stairs

Tips: Assertive vs. Aggressive

by Lori Sciame March 12th, 2014| Behavior, Elementary
Call to mind the timid wallflower. This child is painfully shy.  He never says a word; he only smiles and agrees with everything the people in his life say.  Now think about the budding bully who acts overly aggressive when playing a game in gym class or when pushing

I’m Redshirting My Child

by Margot F. March 5th, 2014| Elementary, School
The term “redshirting” in academics refers to delaying an age-eligible child from starting Kindergarten. The practice can be controversial. How does a parent decide when to redshirt a child?

If the child is recovering from a serious illness or has been diagnosed with a developmental disability then it seems reasonable
sad eyes

Battling the Fake Cry

by T Akery March 4th, 2014| Behavior, Preschool
There is a big difference between the fake cry and the real cry. The real cry has a different sound and urgency to it. The fake cry is just merely noise that your Preschooler is putting out. This is usually because they want something. Many times, it is easy
boy eating alone

Too Young to be Home Alone?

by Lori Sciame February 27th, 2014| Safety, Tweens
Ask a tween if she can handle being left home alone for an extended amount of time, and most likely she will reply in the affirmative.  Children this age want to be able to handle certain grownup responsibilities, but are they really able to do so?  Read this informative
kids soccer

3 Tips for Sports Safety

by Ronald A. Rowe February 26th, 2014| Elementary
It is a mystery as old as organized youth sports. How do we keep our kids safe when we turn them over to a coach whose goal it is to mold them into peak athletes capable of beating the kids on some other coach’s team? My lovely wife’s initial
ping pong

How to Tame the Television Obsession

by Tania Cowling February 19th, 2014| Elementary, Social
In my previous article, “Who Controls the TV Remote at Your Home?", we discussed the behavioral issues of kids who watch too much television – now it’s time to learn how to resolve this problem. Below are a few ideas to try with your children.

Centralize your television in
