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Archives for 2016


Plans to Resell the S7? Takes Steps to Protect it!

by Editorial Team May 2nd, 2016| Teens
The Galaxy S7 is one of the best Androids on the market. Right now, its only competition is its cousin, the Galaxy S7 Edge. With that sort of clout, everybody wants Samsung’s latest and greatest, but not everyone can afford its hefty price tag. Depending on your carrier
outdoor teens

No TV Week from a Teen’s Perspective

by Sam P. April 29th, 2016| Seasonal, Teens
Personally, I think no TV week is a fantastic idea.  As a society we have become so caught up with technology, it tends to take over our lives.  I have several friends that will stay up far later than they should on a school night because they are on their
preschool playtime

A Week without Television

by Joe Lawrence April 26th, 2016| Preschool, Seasonal
Wouldn’t it be nice to go a whole week without the children watching television? I have thought this a lot over the past couple of years. Then I thought about why I would stop at just the TV. Why not all devices?

It saddens me greatly to see how attached people

Teen Safety on the Job: The Laws

by Jane Wangersky April 22nd, 2016| Safety, Teens
Last summer, I got a call from the temp agency my son had signed up with -- they had just then realized he was under 18. That was okay, as long as I sent in a note saying he had my permission to work. But it goes to show that
paint roller

The Lowdown on Lead

by Tania Cowling April 18th, 2016| Infants/Toddlers, Safety
Lead in water supplies has been trending in the news, but did you know that lead could be found in other materials, too? And the CDC (Center for Disease Control) says that there is no safe lead level for children. From the time a fetus is in utero, lead poisoning
checking watch

Teen’s Perspective on Procrastination

by Sam P. April 15th, 2016| Social, Teens
While it is true that everyone procrastinates, it seems to be getting worse, especially within the teen society, I being no exception.  I am currently writing this article past when it was due, and while I got an extension and cannot remember the last time I turned in an article
vacuum chore

Tween Outings- Teaching Responsibility

by Michele April 14th, 2016| Social, Tweens
As your child enters the tween years, he is going to want to spend more time with friends. A lot of this will be spent hanging out at one of their houses- shooting baskets, playing PS4 games, or streaming tv shows. Those are the easy and inexpensive get-togethers. All you
penguin books

Does Your Child Know Beverly Cleary and Ramona?

by Tania Cowling April 13th, 2016| Elementary, Social
Most elementary-aged children know of the Ramona series written by Beverly Cleary. If not, it’s time to introduce them to this book character and the author who created books revolving around Ramona’s life. Ramona Quimby is eight years old and in the third grade. Her parents juggle work and school,
teen talk popcorn

When and Where to Talk to Teens

by Jane Wangersky April 8th, 2016| Communication, Teens
It may seem like there’s never a good time or place to talk to your teen -- but there are moments here and there. You can’t book them, so you have to watch out for them and use these moments when they come.

When are they likely to come? Here’s what
tween talk

One-on-One Time: Key to Tween Talks

by Michele April 7th, 2016| Communication, Tweens
Do you remember the awkwardness of being a tween? You didn't feel like a kid anymore, but you also weren't a teenager. You were stuck in the in-between of adolescence. One day you wanted to play with your childhood toys, and the next you were enviously studying teen-directed magazines. The
egg hunt

3 Ways to Teach our Children Emotional Intelligence

by Joe Lawrence April 6th, 2016| Communication, Elementary
Communication skills are essential for people of all ages. Most of the issues we have in this world are because of communication gone badly. Although, there is no definite cure for this ongoing issue, there are some things we can teach our children to be better at communicating their thoughts
preschool scissors

Practice Simple Scissor Skills With Your Preschooler

by Tania Cowling April 5th, 2016| Development, Preschool
Using tools has marked human progress throughout history. So what tools does a preschooler need to master? A child needs to be able to use a pencil, toothbrush, silverware, open doorknobs, tie shoelaces, just to name a few. Also, learning to use a pair of child safety scissors marks an
