If you’re interested in studying abroad, you already know that international tuition fees can be huge. Add to that living expenses and work restrictions on a student visa, and you may be questioning your decision to leave Mexico for your MBA. It’s always worth the struggle to pursue your goals, but there are some options along the way that can make international study that much more viable. Thanks to an agreement made between the Ontario Council of Graduate Studies and the National Council of Science and Technology of the United States of Mexico (CONACyT), there are some unique funding opportunities available from Ontario universities for a variety of programs, including MBAs.
Under the agreement, Mexican applicants who have been selected as MBA candidates at select Ontario universities may apply for CONACyT funding. This includes tuition support as well as a minimum $12,000 (US) stipend annually for up to two years for Masters Students, in addition to support for health insurance. In exchange, participating Ontario universities offer candidates domestic rather than international tuition rates. Since these schools are free to set rates for international students as they desire, the difference is variable, but can mean nearly $10,000 in savings. The host school also covers any lab, library, and research equipment costs, and may offer additional support to students through teaching assistant or research positions throughout the year.
CONACyT funding is awarded to Mexican students who have already been accepted for MBA programs at OCGS schools. There are also a number of alternative options for financing your studies, including organizations like Global Student Loan, as well as diverse scholarships and bursaries. Thanks to recent changes regarding international students in Canada, since 2014 it has been easier than ever to work off-campus with a student visa. Full-time candidates are now eligible to work anywhere in Canada up to 20 hours a week during the academic session, with no limits during breaks. International students no longer need to wait six months before looking for employment, either.
One university participating in the agreement with CONACyT for MBA programs, Wilfrid Laurier, has a long list of scholarships available to high achieving, full-time students. Scholarships like the Walter & Jean Harbach Award can help candidates with a focus on marketing or retail to the tune of $5,000 (CDN). Other bursaries are available from sponsors like Nissan Canada, Shell, Pfizer, and individual benefactors. While only domestic students are eligible for certain scholarships, many are open to all applicants.
Another funding avenue to consider is CO-OP programs, which lead to paid work during your studies. Laurier University offers one of Canada’s largest CO-OP programs for MBA candidates, boasting strong ties with the corporate sector. The program means that students graduate with eight months of real business world experience. CONACyT-funded students remain eligible for professional development programs like workshops, conferences, and CO-OP work. A CO-OP program can help finance your MBA and equip you with valuable experience upon graduating. If you’re thinking about studying abroad, learn about special funding available to Mexican students from Ontario universities.
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