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Archives for 2013

pregnant autumn Hagit Berkovich

Halloween Costumes for Moms-to-Be: Cute or Creepy

by Jane Wangersky October 8th, 2013| Pregnancy
Pregnant women need to plan for a lot of serious things, but everyone needs a break once in awhile. So this week, let's look at how a mom-to-be can plan for something fun: Halloween. Not the future ones when the baby is old enough to go trick-or-treating, but your
girl working

Predicament: Grade Slump

by Editorial Team October 7th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
Last year my daughter was an A student, but since she started sixth grade last month she's getting nothing but C's. Is it too early to worry about this? Should I just keep helping her with her homework and waiting to see if she improves?
purple pacifier

Solution: Pacifiers: Why Even Start?

by Playroom Supervisors October 4th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
I read your article on getting toddlers to give up the pacifier and wondered, wouldn’t it be better just not to let them have one to begin with? Besides being a shortcut to keeping the child quiet, are they really any use at all?

We've actually seen many benefits from
child hands

Toddler Socialization with Other Toddlers

by T Akery October 3rd, 2013| Behavior, Preschool
It can be easy for parents to fall into a routine with their toddlers. But it is important that this routine also allows for some playtime with other toddlers. This is a crucial social skill that will help them when they do start school. You don't have to take
girl on bike

Bike Safety for Preschoolers

by T Akery October 2nd, 2013| Preschool, Safety
Eventually, your preschooler will want to find independence in riding a bike. While you may still have the training wheels on at this point, it is still important to stress staying safe while on a bike or on a tricycle. These safety rules need to be enforced every time

How to Study Properly: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. October 1st, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
Like many students, I am a poor studier.  I do not particularly enjoy studying, nor do I study frequently.  So far in my high school career, I have been able to pull off good grades without studying.  Now that I am entering my senior year, though, I am finding
thoughtful girl muriel m sawicki

Me, a Sixth Grader?

by Lori Sciame September 30th, 2013| Tweens
On the last day of school in June, the local grade school hosts an "off to middle school party" for the departing fifth graders.  During the gala two hour event, the fifth graders gather in the gymnasium to sign yearbooks, to eat snacks, and to dance.  At precisely 3:00
kids team

Keeping Up the Sports for Tweens

by T Akery September 27th, 2013| Tweens
Tweens need to stay active to stay in shape. Joining a sport helps with this goal. There are also additional benefits from playing. But the task of finding the right sport takes a bit of patience and time. It is often hard to determine what your tween is good
playground groups

Barriers to Socialization

by Ronald A. Rowe September 26th, 2013| Elementary
So far in our series on elementary school socialization we have focused primarily on the parent’s responsibilities. This week we take a moment to examine three of the primary barriers that cause anxiety in our children when it comes to social interaction.

One of the biggest barriers to free socialization
mom n girl

Your Social Life

by Editorial Team September 25th, 2013| Social, Teens
Editorial note: This week we are taking a different point of view in the Teen's Perspective column.  As our writer is fighting a viral illness, a parent of teens shares her perspective on social life and teens.

As a parent of teens I am grateful that, thus far, the challenges

Asthma in Pregnancy

by Jane Wangersky September 24th, 2013| Pregnancy
Asthma during pregnancy is in the news, with a new study confirming what doctors have said all along:Though no asthma medication is completely safe for pregnant women and their babies, it's best for asthmatic women to keep taking their meds. Uncontrolled asthma can lead to hypertension and

Pacifiers: Why Even Start?

by Editorial Team September 23rd, 2013| Parenting Predicament
I read your article on getting toddlers to give up the pacifier and wondered, wouldn't it be better just not to let them have one to begin with? Besides being a shortcut to keeping the child quiet, are they really any use at all?
