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Archives for 2013

boy in hoodie

Solution: Teen Reacts to Other Teen Being Assaulted

by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil September 20th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
We had a terrible incident here where a boy my son knows was beaten up on the street. Now my son (age 15) can’t stop thinking about it and believes he may be assaulted himself. He keeps talking about being ready to fight back. I don’t think the assault
autumn girl

Autumn Safety Issues

by Lori Sciame September 19th, 2013| Preschool, Safety
Each season is unique in its own way.  Spring ushers in the newness of life, summer explodes in vibrant activity, fall signals a slowing down of the life cycle, and winter can be viewed as a time for renewal.  Because of seasonal changes in the environment, safety concerns continually

Breaking the Pacifier Habit

by T Akery September 18th, 2013| Development, Infants/Toddlers
While not all babies take to the pacifier, some babies do. Sometimes, that habit continues when they turn into toddlers. Like any habit, there are a number of reasons that your toddler may prefer to suck the pacifier. But there are some very good reasons to help them kick

Online Classes: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. September 17th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
This year, I am going to be trying something entirely new.  I will be taking a high school course online, because I could not get it to fit into my schedule.  My high school is very small, so there is a very limited number of classes offered.  In order

School Playground: Safe or Not?

by Lori Sciame September 16th, 2013| Elementary, Safety
For nine months of the year, elementary aged children spend most of their waking hours at school.  From the time they arrive in the morning, to when they leave in the late afternoon, the potential for unintentional injuries exists -- especially on the school playground.  Knowing the potential hazards
don't b l8

Activity Stress

by Ronald A. Rowe September 13th, 2013| Elementary
When it comes to socialization and elementary age children, parents today face a challenge that did not exist for previous generations. The proliferation of school clubs, church activities, youth sports organizations, and for-profit entertainment groups children and parents have more opportunities than ever before. Here, at the start of

Preschool Snacks for Z Week

by T Akery September 12th, 2013| Preschool, School
The letter Z is one of the hardest letters to prepare preschool snacks for. Whether you got stuck with it as a last minute sign-up or volunteered for this particular letter, here are some ideas to get you started. Not all of these snacks are going to be that

Tricks to Getting Homework Done on a Busy Weekend

by Sam P. September 11th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
We've all had one of these weekends. It's the beginning of the school year so you don't think you'll have much, or any, homework.  Because of your supposedly free weekend you pack your planner full of plans, from Friday right after school all the way up till Sunday night
mixed up dates

Expecting A Baby — But When? Your Due Date

by Jane Wangersky September 10th, 2013| Pregnancy
"When are you due?" While a pregnant woman usually has an official due date to answer this question, the reality is that, with all our progress in understanding pregnancy, no one really knows when the baby is coming until it already is.

There are exceptions, like elective C-sections and induced
teen fighter

Predicament: Teen Reacts to Other Teen Being Assaulted

by Editorial Team September 9th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
We had a terrible incident here where a boy my son knows was beaten up on the street. Now my son (age 15) can't stop thinking about it and believes he may be assaulted himself. He keeps talking about being ready to fight back. I don't think the assault

Solution: Test Anxiety

by Editorial Team September 6th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
With school about to start, I’m dreading my fifth-grader’s first test. Last year he began getting very anxious over tests — I think he has test anxiety. Is there any way to stop it in advance?

You're right to want to prevent test anxiety -- it not only causes problems
toddler playing on the track at local high school

Fostering Independence in Your Toddler

by T Akery September 5th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Your toddler is reaching the point where they can begin to do things. They can manipulate objects and put things on and off. Part of helping them grow up is letting them to do some things by themselves. It is also the time when you have to let go
