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Archives for 2013

fastfood boy

3 Mistakes I Made with my Preschooler

by Lori Sciame March 5th, 2013| Preschool
Learning to be an effective parent takes time.  Just like any skill, parenting takes practice and time.  I know this first hand, as I've been parenting for 21 years, and I finally feel as if I have a good handle on this important job.  I thought about this seriously
guy n computer

I Have a Job: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. March 4th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
Two weeks ago, I wrote about how I was beginning my job hunt.  Well, I can now say that I have a job.  Interestingly, my current job is uniquely different from the criteria I laid out in my last article.

I just started (literally today) working at Wasabi Ventures as
family reading

The Argument Against Homeschooling

by Ronald A. Rowe March 1st, 2013| Elementary
Anyone interested in homeschooling will find dozens, probably hundreds, of easily accessible sites touting the merits of teaching your own children at home.  In many religious circles, homeschooling is viewed as the “right” choice while public schools are a cop out for parents who are allowing someone else to
school bus

Putting Your Preschooler on the Bus

by T Akery February 28th, 2013| Preschool
Preschool is a scary time for your little one. Riding the bus is certainly a new experience. Sometimes, new experiences bring excitement. Sometimes, they bring trepidation. While traveling on the bus might be exciting to your preschooler, it is completely normal for parents to have some hesitation about putting
lantern by bed

Home Birth: Old and New

by Jane Wangersky February 27th, 2013| Pregnancy
Are home births a new trend for a small group, or a return to an ancient tradition? Well, both, really.

During my first pregnancy, people were surprised when I said I wanted a home birth. Then I'd say, "My grandmother had all her babies at home," and they'd often say,
red suitcase

Packing for a Trip by Airplane

by Sam P. February 26th, 2013| Teens
Pack light.  Trips, especially by airplane, are so much easier if you can do it with all carry-ons.  Checking baggage slows everything down and just makes everything more difficult.  If you can manage to get all of your necessities into a carry-on size bag your trip will become much
homework postit

Predicament: Refusing to do Homework

by Editorial Team February 25th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
How do I get my third grader to do her homework when she refuses to? Is it a matter of timeouts or taking away a favorite toy until the work is done? She is so stubborn.
drug free school

Solution: When to Medicate

by Editorial Team February 22nd, 2013| Parenting Predicament
My child's school has suggested medication for behavior problems, but I'm not sure. I know it's common to medicate children for this but I also hear it's often done when it's not necessary. How do we know it is necessary?

The National Institute of Mental Health says, "When the benefits
airport crowd

Tips for Flying with a Toddler

by T Akery February 21st, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
Flying with a toddler is stressful. You worry about keeping them happy. You worry about them throwing fits. You worry about what other passengers will think. You worry about having enough stuff to keep them happy. It isn't easy traveling on airplanes. But when you have no choice, here
employees only

I Shall be Getting a Job: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. February 20th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
Now that my wrestling season is pretty much over, I feel like I have all the free time in the world.  I have very few after-school obligations and I'm not spending every Saturday at wrestling tournaments that can last 12+ hours.  Because of this, I will be a getting

Preschool Pictures

by T Akery February 19th, 2013| Preschool
Preschool is usually a time in a child's life where parents document everything in photographs. There may even be a mom dedicated to the task of recording these precious moments. But there are a few unwritten rules when it comes to the sharing of these photographs. If you are

Do We Clique?

by Lori Sciame February 18th, 2013| Tweens
Until middle school, children tend to be more accepting of each other.  Then, around the age of 11, children will begin to group themselves (and each other) into cliques.  There are the jocks, the nerds, the goths, the drama/music kids, the popular group, and more.  Although the names of
