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Archives for 2010

“Dozen May Kenny Cents Tomb He”

by Kendall Ryan August 20th, 2010| Product reviews, Teens
Remember the days when you stayed in to play a board game. Remember when you were a kid and enjoyed Monopoly and Candyland? Today, society is all about technology moving as fast as the internet. However, in the midst of all of this, I found a way to slow

Back to School Time

by Ronald A. Rowe August 18th, 2010| Elementary
It's that time again. The bittersweet time of year when we send the kiddos back off to school.  Time to check off the list of to do's before we drop them off for the first day.

1) Back to school shopping.  Timing is everything.  Many states are now offering

Vacationing With Grandparents: From the Teen’s View The Final Volume

by Jacob P. August 16th, 2010| Teen Perspective
As you can see, this is the third episode in an epic saga.  For all you Twilight freaks/aficionados, I was actually referring to my series of articles about vacationing with grandparents, not your beloved book/movie series.  My first volume is essentially where I established my creditability on this subject

Cell Phones- Part 2

by Michele August 13th, 2010| Product reviews, Teens, Tweens
A couple weeks ago, I discussed the advantages associated with teens and tweens have their own cell phones.  If you're thinking this might be a good purchase for your child, I have some suggestions regarding the purchase of the phone and choosing a contract.

The phone

Most cell phone carriers

Playing Alone Time

by Ronald A. Rowe August 11th, 2010| Preschool
Somewhere along the way, progress started to interfere with our children's ability to entertain themselves.  Somewhere between the advent of the hand-held video game and the introduction of 200 channels of on-demand programming, kids have lost the knack for playing with plain, old fashioned toys.

Don't get me wrong.  It's

Vacationing with Grandparents: From the Teen’s View Volume 2

by Jacob P. August 6th, 2010| Teen Perspective
As I am writing this article from an awesome room in Jersey City, I am peering across the Hudson, with my sister, mom, and step-dad on a lovely vacation to New York City (specifically Manhattan).  Now this trip reminded me of my last article, about my past travels with

Souvenir Pennies

by Ronald A. Rowe August 5th, 2010| Product reviews
My family and I just returned from a week in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee where we did all the touristy things that tourists do.  Traveling with two children means that at every gift stand, souvenir stand, lemonade stand, and band stand we pass I hear two voices clamoring with urgency to buy something.

Without any

Having an Infant in the House will Solve Everything

by Joe Lawrence August 4th, 2010| Infants/Toddlers
I came across an article the other day where someone stated having a baby might fix his relationship.  After wiping the tears from my laughter, I wanted to reach through the monitor and slap him.  He believed the problems with his wife would be solved by adding a baby.


by Louise August 2nd, 2010| Elementary
There are not too many memories I have retained from my first year in elementary school, but making origami models is certainly one of them. One of my mother's friends came into the classroom to teach us about origami. Ori means "folding" while kami means "paper." Quite literally, it

Cell Phones- Part 1

by Michele July 30th, 2010| Product reviews, Teens, Tweens
As the mom of four children, three of whom are between the ages of 12 and 14, I have had my fair share of experience with parenting children of this generation.  When my children were younger, I used to question whether they would need cell phones.  They seemed like

Vacationing With Grandparents: From the Teen’s View Volume 1

by Jacob P. July 28th, 2010| Teen Perspective
As far back as I can remember, every year I went somewhere on a vacation with my grandparents.  I have always felt that I am exponentially lucky to have grandparents who are willing to take me on such vacations every year out of their own will and pocket.  I

Do Politics and Children Mix?

by Ronald A. Rowe July 26th, 2010| Elementary
Do children and politics mix? The obvious answer would seem to be "no," but the issue is a little more complicated than that. Consider that their opinions are going to be shaped by someone - books, movies, TV, friends, teachers - shouldn't we be at the forefront
