As you can see, this is the third episode in an epic saga. For all you Twilight freaks/aficionados, I was actually referring to my series of articles about vacationing with grandparents, not your beloved book/movie series. My first volume is essentially where I established my creditability on this subject by listing my numerous travels with grandparents and in Volume Two, I spoke of the three major problems seen traveling with grandparents. Below, I’m going to list a few cures for these three problems, commonly seen vacationing with grandparents.
- The first problem I listed was not listening, specifically to the adults in charge. Now, this problem is very common, even outside of vacation. There is no perfect cure for it, which makes it as problematic as it is. The best solution I can think of is simple, but harsh. When a child or children doesn’t listen, lay down a swift and effective punishment. Now this could incite an even larger rebellion, but it is more likely to end the problem. Simply outweigh the reward from not listening with a punishment.
- The next issue, stress, is very similar to not listening because both lack a definite cure and can be hard to handle. Like I said in the last article, leaving people together for several days is bound to cause stress. Once someone is overly stressed out, they will probably break down or get into a fight. At this point, telling them to calm down WON’T WORK!!! Instead, do everything in your power to stop it before it happens, like setting up compromises, getting cots in hotels, etc.
- Now, as for rule differences, this is the only one with a simple answer. Whomever is in charge should lay down a universal set of rules for the trip so that there is not anyone trying to make claims that certain rules do not apply, as of reason x.
This is the final installment of my epic saga, in which I detailed my travel with grandparents, common problems, and their solutions. So, I leave you with one last thought: if a child is a major trouble-maker and could cause a very serious problem (like really not listening), does he/she deserve to travel?