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What Do I Tell Kids to Do if They See Bullying?

by Editorial Team September 10th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
What should I tell my kids to do if they see someone being bullied at school? I don't want them jumping into fights, but I don't want them just to ignore it either, and I definitely don't want them standing and watching.

Solution: Does a 1-Year-Old Need Friends?

by Playroom Supervisors September 7th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
Do one-year-olds need to be around other kids? Mine never wants to play with any. Is this too early to make friends?

Everyone,including one-year-olds, needs to be around peers, or other people in general(regardless of their age). Humans are social beings, so it's never to early to start making friends.

Kindergarten Expectations for Preschoolers

by T Akery September 5th, 2012| Preschool
Preschools are designed to get your child ready for the challenges of kindergartners. The expectations on preschoolers are pretty high for their next year. Schools test their skills at the beginning of the year to determine if they are ready. Understanding a school's expectations for your preschooler will help

Ban Favorites

by Lori Sciame September 3rd, 2012| Tweens
Playing favorites always backfires.  From the boss who gives one employee perks that his or her equals do not enjoy, to a teacher who lets the pet do all the fun tasks in class, showing favoritism only leads to hard feelings.  Parents of tweens, take note of the previous

Tween Jobs

by T Akery August 31st, 2012| Tweens
Tweens can burn through a lot of cash in a short amount of time. Between the school supplies, clothes, entertainment demands, food, and other things, parents are constantly handing out the cash. But in order to instill some understanding of how money works, parents should begin establishing the idea

Disaster Preparedness for Kids

by Ronald A. Rowe August 30th, 2012| Elementary
Wherever you live you face the possibility of some type of disaster - natural or otherwise - that could potentially displace your family. Here we have the specter of hurricanes, but it could be tornados, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, zombie apocalypse, or whatever. Wherever you are and whatever your potential

Solution: Family History of Alcoholism

by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil August 24th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
When talking to my teens about drinking, should I let them know that two of their grandparents (now deceased) were alcoholics and that this caused problems for all of us?

Absolutely tell your teens there is alcoholism in the family. It is hereditary so they need to know this predisposition

Benefits of Grandparents

by Lori Sciame August 23rd, 2012| Elementary
My kids were lucky; they had four grandparents living in the same town.  As a result, all four became a large part of their lives.  Now that my youngest is 15, and one grandma recently passed, I am grateful they spent as much time as they did (and still

Helping with Insect Bites for Toddlers

by T Akery August 22nd, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Insect bites are just a part of playing outside. Mosquitoes, ants, bees, and wasps are probably going to find your toddler. This leads to itchy spots that can turn into sores because of the constant scratching. It is best to treat these bites or stings right as they occur

Habits to Establish Now

by Lori Sciame August 21st, 2012| Preschool
As your child begins his or her journey in school, work to establish habits that will pay off for years to come. Learning is hard work, so you need to instill habits in him or her so that tackling the required tasks can be accomplished successfully.  Everything from a

Eating: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. August 20th, 2012| Teen Perspective
There maybe be no childhood stereotype greater than that of the picky little kid.  Everyone has seen at least one little kid wrinkle their nose at food, dismayed at the lack of mac and cheese or chicken fingers.  Both of my little sisters could fit that stereotype perfectly at

Back to (Middle) School

by Ronald A. Rowe August 17th, 2012| Tweens
Back to School time is almost upon us already. For parents of tweens, that means that means a jumbled mix of emotions as we send our children out into the unknown world of Middle School. Middle School is the toughest test yet of your child's ability to stay focused
