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safety child

Gun Safety for Toddlers

by T Akery December 27th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Toddlers are curious creatures, especially when it comes to handguns. Many have died just because they have gotten their hands on them. The bulk of the responsibility lies on the parents. So if you intend to bring a gun into your home with toddlers around, here are

Perfect Play Dates

by Lori Sciame December 26th, 2012| Preschool
Preschoolers love play dates. Having friends come to the home lends itself to fun and excitement for the child, but a parent may end up with a raging headache if he or she doesn’t plan for the event ahead of time. From the number of children to invite to structured

Gun Safety for Tweens

by T Akery December 24th, 2012| Tweens
The temptation to have a gun in the house is greater than ever. With the tragedy of Sandy Hook Elementary still looming, your tween's safety has moved to the forefront. Thus, the urge to get protection is strong. But as parents, it is up to us to instill a

National Tragedy

by Ronald A. Rowe December 19th, 2012| Elementary
The unthinkable tragedy that hit Newtown, Connecticut last week has no rational explanation, no silver lining, and no moral. It’s senseless and horrible and painful for everyone touched by it it. As parents of elementary children, we will be faced with the challenge of if, when, and how to

Predicament: Kids Hearing About School Shooting

by Editorial Team December 17th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
How do we help children feel safe and deal with their feelings after hearing about something terrible like the school shooting in Connecticut?

Tween Girls and Confidence

by Lori Sciame December 13th, 2012| Tweens
Tween girls have it rough.  Not only do they experience the scary changes that come along with puberty, they experience mixed messages concerning their role in society.  Some may argue that gender stereotypes have gone by the wayside; however, society still can dictate how a young woman should act

A Wish List for Teachers

by Lori Sciame December 11th, 2012| Elementary
Parents of elementary age children often wonder what to give teachers during the holiday season.  An apple tree ornament?  An inspirational plaque?  Or maybe a new pen and pencil set?  Sound boring?  It is!  This year, instead of buying something your child's favorite teacher will never use, opt instead

Predicament: Order of Operations

by Editorial Team December 3rd, 2012| Parenting Predicament
My first-grader has decided he wants to learn division. We've been doing things like dividing marbles among muffin tins, but should we go any farther, or will it interfere with his understanding of addition and subtraction?

Tackling Mixed Hair in Toddlers

by T Akery November 29th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Mixed hair is a combination of curly and perpetually dry hair that has a tendency to both frizz and tangle on the same day. It can be extremely difficult to tackle as most hair products just don't work that well at conditioning or getting rid of the tangles. In

Preschool Writing Skills

by T Akery November 27th, 2012| Preschool
By kindergarten, preschoolers are expected to know how to write their name. It isn't expected to be perfect but all the letters should be recognizable and in the right order. One of the tasks for preschool teachers is getting them to practice their name. It can be easy if

Out of the Mouths of Babes

by Ronald A. Rowe November 22nd, 2012| Elementary
Tonight, as I struggled with a major life decision, my 11-year-old son sensed the tension in my manner.  I explained to him my dilemma -- it was the good kind of dilemma in which I was forced to choose the better of two good options -- and he gave

Tweens Helping Out With Thanksgiving

by T Akery November 21st, 2012| Tweens
Thanksgiving is a time for families. To truly turn it into a family affair, ask your tween to help out. Not only does it take some of the stress off of you, tweens will feel that they are included even though they may protest about actually contributing to the
