Tonight, as I struggled with a major life decision, my 11-year-old son sensed the tension in my manner. I explained to him my dilemma — it was the good kind of dilemma in which I was forced to choose the better of two good options — and he gave me the sagest, most well-thought out input of any of the many well-meaning friends and family who offered advice, solicited or otherwise, on the subject.
I was struck by the pure wisdom and understanding of which my son was capable. In a few brief words he cut through to the heart of the issue and gave me at once good, unbiased advice and a feeling of comfort that was mine to keep regardless of my ultimate decision.
In short, my son reminded me that as much as we parents pour out into our children, it will be returned to us with overwhelming interest. It was a clear and wonderful affirmation of the truth that our children do listen, do hear, do take to heart all the lectures and object lessons which we so carefully prepare and present to them over the years. It reminded me of the familiar Biblical wisdom from Psalm 8:2 that begins with “out of the mouths of babes” (although we generally seem to stop the quote in the middle of a sentence for some reason, we all know what’s implied). Our children are wiser and more mature than we generally give them credit for. We just need to stop and listen from time to time.
As my eyes welled up with fatherly pride, I struggled to push down the lump in my throat and attempted to think of some response worthy of this very powerful father-son moment. Then he shot me in the face with a Nerf dart and ran down the hall roaring with laughter.