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Archives for Teens

Homework: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. December 26th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
I don't want to toot my own horn here, but I am a good student.  So far, halfway into my sophomore year I have all A's and one B+.  I also maintain a 4.14 GPA, which is in between an A and an A+ at my high school.  I

Teen Perspective: Celebrating Culture/Traditions

by Louise December 21st, 2011| Teen Perspective
If your family has some tradition other than the typical "American" ones, cherish them. Don't get me wrong, I love all of the American holidays and the aspects that go with them, but there's something about having a special holiday that no one else celebrates (in close proximity) that

Dieting: From the Teen’s View (Part 1)

by Jacob P. December 14th, 2011| Teen Perspective
I don't think it is necessary for most kids to arbitrarily diet.  Dieting can be unhealthy and stressful for kids and teens.  There are situations where dieting is an important step to take, for one reason or another.  So, I thought I would write about what I think about

Teen’s Perspective on Video Chats

by Sam P. December 5th, 2011| Teen Perspective
Oovoo, Skype, Facebook, Google, whatever software you use, they are all pretty  much the same.  Personally, I prefer Oovoo, but I find Skype to work fairly well, too.  I can't say anything about Facebook or Google because I have never used either of them.  I think the population of

Really Listening to a Teen’s Problems

by Lori Sciame December 1st, 2011| Teens
As adults, we tend to forget what it felt like to be a teenager. Think back - remember how your hair would never do what you wanted it to, while each morning you awoke to the appearance of another angry red pimple? What about that time your heart pounded

Size: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. November 28th, 2011| Teen Perspective, Teens
At one time or another, every kid has wondered how big they will  be as adults.  I wonder how large I will be, and I'm fifteen.  It's natural for kids to be interested in their size, but worry over size is a completely different matter. Kids mainly only worry

Making a Memory Book

by Louise November 25th, 2011| Elementary, Teen Perspective
A memory book is a scrapbook for memories. The memories can be in the form of pictures or words, or a combination of the two. When I was in 6th grade, every student in my class was required to create a memory book that would be a record of

Grades Closing: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. November 14th, 2011| Teen Perspective
Last Thursday, my high school's quarterly progress reports were released.  Our school runs on a semester-based grading system, but grades are closed and progress reports are released at the end of the first and third quarters.  This allows the parents and students to see how they are doing in

Teen Sexuality

by Lori Sciame November 9th, 2011| Teens
This is the article I've been dreading to write...the one that concerns teen sexuality. Why? Because we all know the issue of teens having sex is a "hot button" issue. Parents across the United States have vastly different views on how to approach this sensitive issue with their children,

Teen Perspective on PG-13 and R Rated Movies

by Sam P. November 7th, 2011| Teen Perspective
With the new Twilight movie coming out soon, I figured this is the perfect time to discuss this.  Now, if you have ever read Breaking Dawn, you know that some parts are very scandalous and very adult.  I was very worried that it would be rated R if they

Halloween: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. November 2nd, 2011| Teens
Once again, Halloween has come and passed by (unless you live in the Nor' Easter afflicted regions).  Every year, I lose a little more interest in it.   The last year I actually trick or treated was during eighth grade, when I was 13.   Last year, I just walked around

Why I Liked to Rake Leaves

by Louise October 26th, 2011| Teen Perspective
I remember liking raking. I couldn't wait for the leaves to fall so my sisters and I could start raking. So you must be thinking, "Which hypnotist did your parents use and how much does he charge?" I'm not sure if it was something my parents said, but in
