Once again, Halloween has come and passed by (unless you live in the Nor’ Easter afflicted regions). Every year, I lose a little more interest in it. The last year I actually trick or treated was during eighth grade, when I was 13. Last year, I just walked around the town with my girlfriend and some of her friends. This year’s Halloween has been postponed, because New Hampshire has been devastated by the snow storm (currently 87% of my town lacks power). I’m sure I will end up hanging out with friends, though. As I get older, I am starting to question certain parts of Halloween.
- What is the point of Halloween? It makes no sense to me. I understand what All Hallows Day is, but how does that relate to walking from door to door asking people for candy? I really just don’t get the point of it.
- I have always thought it should be done on Saturday evenings. My town does it on the night of Halloween, which is absolutely dumb. That means that if Halloween is on a school night, young kids are either out late on school nights or they are not getting to trick or treat for very long. There is no reason that kids under the age of, say, eight, should be walking around on the streets until 8 P.M. on a school night. At the same time, it shouldn’t be done in afternoons, like some towns. Older kids, like “tweens” don’t want to trick or treat in the afternoon.
- I believe that some parents take Halloween way too seriously. I know families who drive from neighborhood to neighborhood all Halloween night long. That is pointless. If you live in a small neighborhood, drive to a larger one. But there is no reason to continue going to other neighborhoods after you have finished in yours. First of all, you are taking advantage of people’s kindness. People shouldn’t have to buy 20 bags of candy because the whole town visits them, that is just unfair. Secondly, there is no need for that much candy. What kid needs a pillow case filled to the brim with candy? That is how kids get obese. I usually end up throwing a portion of my candy out anyway.
Halloween may be a fun institution, but it is a flawed one too. Many aspects of it could be improved. Most importantly, have fun on Halloween without taking it too seriously — and the day after, try to keep candy consumption to a reasonable level.