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Archives for 2013

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Worst Outfits for Preschoolers to Wear to School

by T Akery April 24th, 2013| Preschool
Your preschool probably has a dress code. But that doesn't prevent some really bad wardrobe choices. So, while the clothes may technically be within the rules of the code, these outfit choices should have you thinking twice. They are bad for a number of reasons and can present some

Teen’s Perspective on the GLSEN Day of Silence

by Sam P. April 23rd, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
On Friday April 19th my school participated in the GLSEN day of silence.  This is a day in which students who believe in gay rights take an oath of silence to stand up against LGBT harassment.  I participated in this day as I am a firm believer in equal

Predicament: Why Read to Baby?

by Editorial Team April 22nd, 2013| Parenting Predicament
Why are parents told to read to babies? I know it'll be important later on, but meanwhile they can't understand it, and there's so much else to do.

Solution: Homework without Accountability

by Editorial Team April 19th, 2013| Parenting Predicament
My son's teacher assigns lots of math homework, but never checks it in class. Instead she takes the test questions from the homework. This doesn't motivate him to do his homework, he'd rather take his chances seeing the questions for the first time on the test. Unfortunately, this isn't
blue girl

Preschoolers’ Bad Days

by T Akery April 18th, 2013| Preschool
There are times when everyone has a bad day. Even preschoolers can have one. You usually don't know about it until you get the note sent home. However, some really, really bad days mean a call from the school. Handling this type of day is a normal part of

Weightlifting and Supplements (Part 1)

by Jacob P. April 17th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
As a dual-sport (football and wrestling) high school athlete, I lift weights year-round in order to stay in shape.  As I have now been weightlifting for four years (I started in eighth grade), I have seen the good, bad, and indifferent of weightlifting as a teenager.  I am not

Helping Your Toddler with Brushing Their Teeth

by T Akery April 16th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
No matter when your toddler developed their teeth, taking care of those baby teeth is still important. As a toddler, they can help participate in oral care. While it isn't always a fun time and there will certainly be days of protest and tantrums, toddlers should start learning the
book family

Tweens Love the Library

by Lori Sciame April 15th, 2013| Tweens
This spring, plan to celebrate National Library Week, April 14 - 20, with your tween.  The theme this year is "Communities Matter @ Your Library." Because of this, librarians and support staff across the nation have developed a host of fun activities to draw in all ages of visitors

Tweeting Tweens

by T Akery April 12th, 2013| Tweens
Twitter is quite the outlet for expression. Condensing a thought into a short sentence is a challenge. As such, parents have to be concerned about what their tweens are saying on their Twitter accounts. Just like Facebook or any other social media outlet, tweens have just as much potential

Fish and Pregnancy

by Jane Wangersky April 11th, 2013| Pregnancy
Back in 2008, a Reviews in Obstetrics and Gynecology article said:

"Most pregnant women likely do not get enough omega-3 fatty acids because the major dietary source, seafood, is restricted to two  servings a week. For pregnant women to obtain adequate omega-3 fatty acids, a variety of sources
hs students

Teen’s Perspective on School Dress Code

by Sam P. April 10th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
For those of you that go to a private school where a uniform is required, you do not have to worry over this debacle. I am sure you all think we are so lucky since we are allowed to express ourselves through our clothing, but personally I would rather

Overparenting and Socialization

by Ronald A. Rowe April 9th, 2013| Elementary
I attended an arts and crafts session this week with my first grader and couldn’t help but notice that the rampant overparenting of this generation continues unabated. My son put together the ugliest paper bag puppet in the history of paper bags. It was awful. But he did it.
