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Archives for 2013

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Your Snack Helper for Preschool Snacks

by T Akery June 13th, 2013| Preschool
One of the most exciting times of day for your preschooler is snack time. Your preschooler would love to get involved in helping prepare the snacks. They will be proud and excitedly tell all their friends. You can let them help in the process with these tips.

Let your preschooler
kids n water

Tweens Need to be Social

by Lori Sciame June 12th, 2013| Tweens
Tweens will now have plenty of time on their hands since school has ended for the year. How to fill the countless hours that they will be spending at home? That's a question on many parents' minds. If both parents work, then it is even trickier to figure out

Going Away for the Summer: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. June 11th, 2013| Social, Teen Perspective, Teens
This summer, I will spend five weeks at St. Paul's ASP, an advanced studies program for high school juniors. Out of these five weeks, I will only be able to return home for one weekend (barring extenuating circumstances), so it will be a unique experience for me. As
boy in boat

Canoeing Safety Tips for Toddlers

by T Akery June 10th, 2013| Infants/Toddlers
A canoe ride is a fun trip in the outdoors. Your toddler will also have lots of fun. But you still want them to have a safe trip in the canoe. So, here are a few tips to keep them safe for this adventure.

Invest in a proper-fitting toddler-sized life
girl studying

Teen’s Perspective on Finals

by Sam P. June 7th, 2013| School, Teen Perspective, Teens
I am so glad that the school year is over, but the one bad thing about the end of the school year is finals.  I understand that they have to make sure that we have retained all of the information we have learned over the past year, but at

Things You Didn’t Know About Calcium and Pregnancy

by Jane Wangersky June 6th, 2013| Pregnancy
If  you think I'm about to lecture you on making sure you get extra calcium while you're pregnant -- relax. The strange fact is, the RDA  of calcium for a pregnant woman is just the same as for a non-pregnant woman: 1000 milligrams a day if you're over 18,

Elementary: Learning Styles

by Ronald A. Rowe June 5th, 2013| Elementary
Researchers say that our learning style is hardwired into our DNA ... somehow.  No one knows for sure quite how it works but it appears that each of us is born with one of three  distinct learning styles -- Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic.  The styles are apparent from as
heart button

Protecting Your Tween’s Identity Online

by T Akery June 4th, 2013| Tweens
Your tween likely has some sort of social media presence. But there have been scores of cases where a person's identity was stolen for nefarious purposes. Most of these faked social profiles were that of teens. It is even more important now for you and your tween to keep
toy clutter

Predicament: Pack Rats

by Editorial Team June 3rd, 2013| Parenting Predicament
Every time my kids get some cheap little toy at a fast food place or something, they play with it for a few days and then get tired of it. But when I try to give away any toys, or even put them away, they demand to keep them

Solution: Walking the Cat

by Dr. Bonnie Eaker Weil May 31st, 2013| Parenting Predicament
This may sound silly, but — we have an indoor cat that I like to take outside sometimes on a leash. When I started this, I didn’t know I’d be the only one who ever took her outside. But my oldest says he feels silly with a cat on
car wash kid

Three Important Safety Tips: Preschoolers

by Lori Sciame May 30th, 2013| Preschool
Recently I read a hilarious Facebook post concerning my two year-old God-daughter.  It seems as if her parents had spent an entire afternoon erecting a playhouse in the yard, only to have it come crashing down when they tried to move it to a better location.  Needless to say,
workout drink

Weightlifting and Supplements (Part 4)

by Jacob P. May 29th, 2013| Teen Perspective, Teens
For those of you who have just started reading this series, I am discussing weightlifting supplements for teenagers.  I'm a high school varsity athlete and a year-round weightlifter.  While I greatly enjoy weightlifting,  my advice should not be used in place of that of a trained professional (doctor, trainer,
