Every time my kids get some cheap little toy at a fast food place or something, they play with it for a few days and then get tired of it. But when I try to give away any toys, or even put them away, they demand to keep them and it starts all over again. Any suggestions?

One way to solve this problem is to avoid it altogether. When you take your child to a fast food restaurant, don’t purchase a package meal that includes a toy. While your child may be disappointed, offer them other choices that will make them happy. If you buy the package meals for the discounted price, try using the dollar menu to keep the meal inexpensive.
It depends.. How old are your kids?
My 4yr, for over the past year, I get him involved in “thinning” down the toys.
I explain to him, that there are little boys and girls that don’t have any toys. And he is always willing to give for that reason. He usually gives more then I ask of him, and has even offered to give up some of his favorite toys.