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Archives for Elementary

Stumped? Call the Guidance Counselor

by Lori Sciame March 21st, 2012| Elementary
My youngest child had just turned six when her father and I separated. She went from having one set of rules in one home, to two sets of rules in two homes. She also had to begin packing her life into bags and suitcases every few days, and she

Lesson Learned

by Lori Sciame March 9th, 2012| Elementary
Piano lessons, dance lessons, karate lessons, gymnastics lessons...the list goes on and on.  If you are the parent of an elementary age child, you fully understand the sheer amount of lessons available for your son or daughter to participate in. Sometimes these lessons can be costly, and sometimes they

Dealing with THAT Kid

by Ronald A. Rowe March 2nd, 2012| Elementary
We all know THAT kid. The child who just can't or won't fit in. The one whose behavior makes you simultaneously wish a) your child would spend more time with them so they could be a good influence and b) they'd keep away so your child would never have

Birthday Party Blues

by Lori Sciame February 22nd, 2012| Elementary
Over-the-top birthday parties. Has your child attended one? When my daughter was five, her friend's mother hosted a marathon party. The day began with hairstyles and manicures at a local hair salon. Next, the girls had lunch at a local restaurant, and the event finished with a movie and

Putting the Fun in Family Fundamentals

by Ronald A. Rowe February 17th, 2012| Elementary
Schools are taking a much more practical approach to teaching life skills than they used to. Elementary school students are being exposed to concepts like budgeting as well as specific skills like writing a check. As parents, we need to piggyback on these school assignments to reinforce these lessons.


Parenting Through Illness

by Ronald A. Rowe February 1st, 2012| Elementary
Plenty has been written about the medicinal aspects of parenting your child through an illness.  All of it boils down to: keep them hydrated and see a doctor if it doesn't get better soon.  Less has been written about the more mundane aspects of parenting your child through an

Feisty Child/Independent Teen

by Lori Sciame January 26th, 2012| Elementary
One word could describe my youngest daughter while in elementary school -- feisty. She had her own ideas about everything, from what types of clothes she would wear to how much homework she thought she needed to do. At the time, I found this personality trait of to be


by Ronald A. Rowe January 20th, 2012| Elementary, Tweens
I took my son to WinterJam this weekend to celebrate his 11th birthday. I'd highly recommend it if you have the opportunity to take your children to this show when it comes to your town. WinterJam is a concert tour featuring ten Christian bands.

We went because this year's headliner
boy sick (400x400)

Catching up From Sick Days

by Gary Hays January 10th, 2012| Elementary, School

With winter comes cold and flu season. Let's face it, when subjected to the confines of a classroom full of other sneezing students, your child is a target for airborne enemies, and more than likely, before the season is over, will

Travelling With Children

by Ronald A. Rowe January 6th, 2012| Elementary
Long car trips with kids can be a challenge. It's been that way for generations. But as technology has evolved, things have gotten quite a bit easier. Hand-held video games, dual screen back seat DVD players, MP3 players - we've got a whole lot of weapons in our arsenal

Making New Year’s Memories

by Lori Sciame December 30th, 2011| Elementary
Children love family rituals. This is especially true of New Year's Eve. My best memories of this exciting time involve watching Dick Clark's Rockin New Year's Eve with my favorite cousin.  We also played board games such as Monopoly or Life, and the night usually included a rousing card

Public Speaking

by Ronald A. Rowe December 23rd, 2011| Elementary, Helpful Hints
Sometimes, you try everything you can think of to inspire or educate your child and it still doesn't work.  But sometimes -- not so often, but sometimes -- you stumble on something by accident that really gets the job done.

My ten-year-old son is a fearless public speaker.  He'll get
