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Archives for December 2017

5 Ways Parents Can Help Support Their Child’s Wedding

by Editorial Team December 22nd, 2017| Teens
The millennial generation is a generation at conflict. They do not have the disposable income that the previous generations have had, due in part to stagnant wage increases and rising living costs. It can be incredibly hard to save up for your first place under these conditions, much less find

A Look Inside a Teenager’s Room

by Editorial Team December 18th, 2017| Social, Teens
I remember my bedroom as a teenager very well. I collected magazines for months, cut out only the choicest pictures, and covered every inch of every wall! The placement of these pictures was not random, it had a cohesive flow, and told a story with everything from Lost in

How to Encourage Your Children to Be Healthy Throughout Their Lives

by Editorial Team December 11th, 2017| Elementary
Health is crucial for our happiness and our longevity, and the habits that we start as children can create a huge impact on our lives as adults. That is why as parents, you need to teach and encourage your children to be healthy, so that they can continue their healthy

Four Major Ways to Toddler-Proof Your Home

by Editorial Team December 4th, 2017| Infants/Toddlers
Whether you’ve just brought home a new addition to the family or your newborn is beginning to grow up, ensuring a safe home should be your number one priority. Without the proper precautions, any number of seemingly innocent elements or features of the home could become dangerous or life-threatening scenarios

How to Choose a Family Camping Site

by Editorial Team December 4th, 2017| Elementary
The success of a camping trip depends in large part on the camping site you choose, especially when you have little ones in tow. It is possible to find a great location if you take your time. The good news is that more and more camping sites are trying to
