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Talking to Your Tween About Sex

by T Akery May 10th, 2012| Tweens
Approaching the subject of sex at this age doesn't seem like a topic appropriate for tweens. However, there is a very real need to approach this discussion at this age. The fact is that some tweens are having sex. It is a reality that can't be ignored because you

Parenting Predicament: Book Reports

by Jane Wangersky May 8th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
Both my kids like to read but hate to talk or write about books. If they like a book they don't want to "ruin" it by discussing it, and if it's a book assigned to them in school they have no interest in it. This makes English papers and

Heat Can Kill

by Lori Sciame May 3rd, 2012| Infants/Toddlers, Preschool
Heat.  It can kill.  Am I being over dramatic?   I don't think so, not when it comes to children.  When temperatures rise, parents need to remember, even a few minutes in a car is like being locked in an oven to a small child.  That's why I want to

Four Memory Makers

by Lori Sciame May 1st, 2012| Elementary
Children grow up fast. Time goes by so quickly that it seems as if you teach your child how to ride a bike in the morning and to drive a car in the afternoon. That might be an exaggeration, but ask any parent with grown children if the time

What to Do While Lodging: From the Teen’s View

by Jacob P. April 30th, 2012| Teen Perspective, Teens
Last week, my family and I went on a vacation to Maryland.  It was a successful trip; we visited Philadelphia, Baltimore's inner harbor, Loyola (Md), and family during our time there.  The trip was five days long, so we spent four nights together (two nights in a house and

Busy? It’s Worth It!

by Lori Sciame April 26th, 2012| Elementary
When your child enters elementary school, you quickly become adept at managing not only your household chores and your work responsibilities, but you also organize  your child's varied activities.  Although an exciting time, you may wonder if the hectic pace will be worth it in the end.  Will your

Predicament: Carnivorous Teen

by Jane Wangersky April 23rd, 2012| Parenting Predicament
My teen doesn't like vegetables or carbs but just wants to fill up on meat. I know this is not a balanced diet. It's also expensive. What should I do?

Readers -- give us your ideas in the combox.

Helping Your Preschooler to Battle Germs

by T Akery April 17th, 2012| Preschool
Preschool introduces your child to a lot of new things. Unfortunately, one of the bad things is exposure to germs that other children bring in. Those germs are easily spread and can make your child sick. While you can't insulate them from this type of exposure, you can give

Movies and Elementary Children

by Ronald A. Rowe April 12th, 2012| Elementary
My six-year-old son came home from school the other day and told me that the parents of some of his classmates were crazy. To say that this comment piqued my interest would be a gross understatement. Intrigued, I asked him to clarify just why he thought so.

It turns out

Quiet Moments Count

by Lori Sciame April 9th, 2012| Infants/Toddlers
Isn't it fun to teach your toddler about life? You not only patiently teach him or her how to hold a spoon and to drink from a cup, you help your child learn to zip zippers, to button buttons, and to tie shoes. Basically, much of a toddler's day

Easter, Sugar, and Pre-Schoolers

by Lori Sciame April 6th, 2012| Preschool
Running, jumping, dancing, yelling, giggling, kicking - all caused by ingesting massive amounts of sugar.  I've seen it.  You've probably witnessed it as well.

Here's the scenario.  A 3-year-old receives a beautiful Easter basket filled to the brim with candy of all kinds, in interesting shapes and gorgeous colors ....

Parenting Predicament: “But All My Friends . . .”

by Jane Wangersky April 5th, 2012| Parenting Predicament
This week, we answer the question:

When I object to my son (age 13) talking disrespectfully to me, he says that's just the way his friends always talk. I tell him they probably don't usually talk to their parents that way, but as he never sees them with their parents,
