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Archives for March 2020

elementary dinner

How to Make Family Dinners Awesome

by Tania Cowling March 21st, 2020| Elementary, Seasonal
Mealtimes should be happy routines for your kids. Remember that pleasant eating experiences are just as important as nutritious foods. At this age, the kiddos are developing their food habits and attitudes – hopefully good ones, although sometimes the dinner table can be a battleground between kids and their parents.
preschool dinner

3 Ways to Bond Over Family Dinner

by Joe Lawrence March 14th, 2020| Preschool, Seasonal
Family dinners are one of the best, if not the best, ways to bond. There is something about sitting down as a collective group that brings us all closer together. However, when you have a preschoolers or toddlers, it does not always feel like “bonding” as much as it does

Conventional Versus Organic Milk

by Tania Cowling March 2nd, 2020| Care, Infants/Toddlers
Organic has been trending these days especially when we talk about fruits and vegetables – but what about milk? There are several reasons that concerns us about buying milk for our youngsters, and believe me children go through a lot of milk per day. We have to consider the cost,
