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Archives for 2015

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3 Reasons to Take a Toddler to the Library

by Lori Sciame September 7th, 2015| Entertainment, Infants/Toddlers
Life long learning begins the moment a child enters the world. His or her very early experiences, while not usually recorded in long term memory, still combine to help create the person he or she will become.  If you dream of a college education for your child, then you must
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Bus Safety Rules for Tweens

by Lori Sciame September 3rd, 2015| Safety, Tweens
Considering how many children in the United States ride to and from school on a bus each day, the rate of injuries due to crashes is rather low.  That is the good news.  Now the bad news: children may suffer injuries on the school bus for a variety of other
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4 Low Tech Ways to Entertain a Child

by Lori Sciame September 2nd, 2015| Elementary, Entertainment
Keeping an elementary aged child entertained doesn't always require high tech gadgets. While iPads Sony PlayStations, and Kindle tablets will certainly keep a child this age occupied, they don't stimulate the imagination in the same way that low tech places (and items) do. Plus, low tech entertainment options almost
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Are Preschoolers Too Young to Learn Another Language?

by Joe Lawrence September 1st, 2015| Preschool
Watching the development of our preschoolers is very rewarding. They have the capacity to learn so many new and interesting things once we learn to focus their little minds. In fact, some things that adults struggle with (like learning a foreign language) is quite simple for these crumb crunchers.

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Special Needs Infants and Breast Milk

by C. Finkbeiner August 31st, 2015| Infants/Toddlers, Special Needs
Breast is best. It’s what your OB/GYN, Pediatrician and your mom will tell you when you come to make the decision of whether to breastfeed or formula feed your baby. And, then there is the decision as to what age to start weaning your baby away from breast milk,
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Planning Without Pressure for Special Needs Teens

by Jane Wangersky August 28th, 2015| Special Needs, Teens
Before you know it, your teen’s new school year will be in full swing and it will be time to review their Individualized Education Program (IEP) with the school staff. If you live in the U.S., there’s a legal requirement that starts the year your child turns 16: The
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What Preschool Means to a Special Needs Child

by C. Finkbeiner August 25th, 2015| Preschool, Special Needs
When I was a child (in the early 1980’s), “preschool” was an expensive babysitter. I started school, like most children of my generation, at age 5. Only a few of my classmates had been to preschool, and you could tell exactly who they were right away. They were the
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Toddler Care – How to Get Your Toddler Exercising

by Jessica B. August 24th, 2015| Care, Infants/Toddlers
These days, everyone is busy talking about the dangers of childhood obesity, mostly because the long-term effects can be devastating. It can be difficult for a parent to relax when faced with the constant stream of information about keeping your kids healthy while also being bombarded with tons of
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Texting and Driving from the Teen’s View

by Sam P. August 21st, 2015| Teen Perspective, Teens
I will admit right now that the urge to use your phone while driving is strong.  Especially if you're making an hour long trip alone.  In an age that relies on technology so much, being without your phone really can be one of the worst things ever.  But believe
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The Impact of a First Impression

by C. Finkbeiner August 19th, 2015| Elementary, Special Needs
We live in a social world where populated playdates and pre-k are the norm for kids aged one through five. But for many children, kindergarten is the first time they are completely surrounded by twenty or more peers at once, and one adult.

Imagine being five years old for a
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Your Toddler’s Behavior in Sports Class

by Jessica B. August 17th, 2015| Entertainment, Infants/Toddlers
One of the first things new stay at home moms do is to start signing up their kids for classes. This is a great way to meet other parents, let your kid get used to being in groups, and to just get out of the house. But many parents
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Teens in Summer School: The Challenge

by Jane Wangersky August 14th, 2015| School, Teens
Summer school doesn’t exactly mean school in summer -- fortunately. High school students need a break from their nearly year-round routine, and even if they have academic goals for summer break, the ground rules are different. Here are a few things our family’s learned from taking part in summer
