Is anyone out there planning on bringing your child to work on Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day this year? It’s coming up in a couple of weeks (April 22nd). I’m kind of torn, myself.
On the one hand, having the four year old tear around the office for an hour or so would be greatly entertaining. He’ll be good for a few laughs, and I won’t have to do any work while he’s there. Of course, no one else in my area will be able to get any work done, either, so there’s that.
The more intriguing idea is bringing my nine year old to work for a few hours. He’s reached the age where he might, MIGHT, actually show some interest in what his dad does for a living. But his school isn’t exactly bending over backward to accommodate Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Day. It counts as an absence, and they’re doing their regular work. Basically, their ignoring the event altogether.
So, is it worth it to take him out of school for half a day? I mean, if I just want him to see what I do at work, I could bring him in on any day of the summer, right? So what is it about having a special day designated for the bringing of sons and/or daughters to work that makes me want to take him out of school this month?
Are you participating? Anyone have any success/funny stories for Take Our Sons and Daughters to Work Days of years past? I’m sure I could get some good material for the column if I bring the little guy for even an hour or two. Something like “Why I’ll Never Bring a Four Year Old to Work Again”. Yeah, the story practically writes itself. This should be good.

[…] Our Sons And Daughters To Work Day Revisited April 26, 2010 — By Ronald A. RoweWork I wrote a few weeks back about the upcoming Take Our Sons And Daughters To Work Day. I wound up taking each of my boys for […]